Chapter 6 -Avoidance-

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I knew I couldn't avoid him forever but thankfully father wished for me to be with him in his office the last few days to go over random documents and see how I was doing in my training. This helped me to not only get my mind off the encounter we had together but also to look up what I was feeling, I wanted to see if this was normal to have such a strong pull on someone that you barely even knew and yet felt like you knew.

In all honesty, I felt like I was going crazy, that I was being driven crazy, and it didn't help that It hurt me physically to be away from him. I felt like one of those werewolf people and how they describe being away from their mate felt like. Wait for a moment, mate, mate my father said Quiver no um River was looking for his beloved? is a beloved not a whole lot like a mate? goddess I had to do some research this was becoming so confusing yet so clear at the same time.

I wanted him a whole lot but it felt like my world was spiraling out of control, like everything that was so perfect is either going to be more perfect or take a turn for the worst. I didn't know how to handle what I was feeling and often retreated to my room where no one else could come, I took dinners by myself and if I wasn't with my father I was tucked away in bed. I felt like my mind was in a haze and often just stood staring out of one of the windows or in the shower counting the tile, I should be going outside more or visiting the frog garden... I really just felt down like nothing mattered at the moment and yet I wanted to take a step out to reach for him.

"How long do you think this will go on?" my father mused looking over at me with a twinkle in his eye.

"What?" I asked stretching out on the chair before yawning. I felt like some lazy cat who watched birds all day but didn't do anything to catch them even if it was right before my eyes.

"How long will you mop around? I can see your overthinking something... you did this as a young boy as well.. like the time you wanted to adopt a cat but were afraid the frogs may get hurt if it got into the garden" he smiled getting up from his office seat and coming to sit on the chair beside me.

"It was tricky, but thankfully Alfred was scared of frogs" I pout, thinking about my lazy cat Alfred he was a cute orange tabby that I found not the side of the road in a box when I was biking. I had a talk about wanting a cat with my father weeks prior and ran with Alfred back to him begging him to let the kitty cat stay. Of course, my father allowed it, although my mother was a little scared of 'rabies' I made sure he was healthy taking him to a local vet and animal healer. He's kinda chonky, and mostly enjoys just staying inside.

I can practically never find him though, so I made sure he has multiple food and water dishes that the maids refill so that no matter the location he has stuff... my mother also hogs him now like he's her fourth child. I wanted the cat but in reality, they got him.

"Yes so maybe what you're overthinking about right now is tricky? but in the end, it will all work out like it should... go take some rest, I can do everything here today" I nodded getting up and kissing my father's cheek hugging him tightly. I am thankful every day I got him as a father and not some gambling addict.

I took my time watching the walls as I got to my room, everything will work out in the end and maybe it will just take some time. I can't hide from it though or I'll never learn or understand what is happening. I just hope it ends well and not with my heart hurting.

All these talks about cats remind me about a new spell I found in an older book, how to turn into a cat- boy. I mean if I was a cat then I could go sneak up to River and listen in to what he thinks about me. I get to my floor quicker than usual and head to my room. Closing my door and then my eyes I think over the words. Imagining myself as a cat, with cute cat ears, and a tail and oof.

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