Chapter 14

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It took almost two months out of the three before the meeting and I had finished the first phase of being an Alpha, the pack was now thriving with honest happy faces and not just those worn for show. We even had our first confirmed mated pregnancy I was shocked when I found out it was the two younger mates I had 'saved' from a forced mating. That day I lifted my fingers to the moon, tears streaking down my face. I knew she wouldn't show much mercy but this, this was enough for me to feel full. To know she was looking down on us, looking at my pack. They weren't just a pack anymore, no they were family ones I found lay my life down to protect. I would not let another Alpha harm these people. I would not let them be seen as the possession of power but as lives to be lived. 

As souls to be connected. 

I watched as they blossomed under my rein, finally free to be themselves in a world that wanted them in a straight line. No not the world the system in which we were forced to be because of the population. The world didn't care if they mated or not, the world didn't give two shits if we all died or not. I did though, I cared about all these people's lives about what they were forced into! I CARED ABOUT THEM. I stuffed my face into my hands taking in deep breaths. A gentle hand on my shoulder rubbing it slowly. 

"Its ok Alpha, it's fine to be human just as much as stone" Quiver mumbled smiling down at my slumped over the forum. I stand up gently hugging his body close to me taking in deep breaths of his scent. I feel my lower stomach tighten the want to join our flesh together too much. The animalistic side of me wanting to fuck him to make him cum with me. I step back feeling the heat rise to my cheeks. I want to be fucked as well though, the weird feeling passing as I look into his eyes he smiles as he does every day.  "The Alphas will be arriving in three weeks, that gives you enough time to prepare an alliance negotiation!" Please don't breathe I mumble in my head knowing the slight scent of arousal leaking out of me. 

I nod smiling back at him, he's only slightly shorter longish dark black hair brushing his shoulders and bright blue eyes that fill me with happiness. It isn't him though, I don't want him that way my body is just being weird lately. "Quiver... I was never trained to be an Alpha and in all honesty, I've only read so much could you tell me more?" He nodded sitting down across from me crossing his legs and pursing his lips. 

"Then one thing you don't know is that Alphas... they are more sensitive? their needs and feelings more heightened for mostly the purpose of breeding and now because ya know... it's harder to control when you know you may never find your mate" I nodded grasping onto the chair's sides claws digging into the fabric. 

"You also go through the heat like a mated couple, usually it happens only twice a month and most the time um Alphas just diddle doo each other or find a willing or even unwilling person to get off with" he chalked up a little smiling still. I nod putting a hand to my mouth biting down on one of my fingers. 

"A-Are most alphas trained before gaining power?" I ask already knowing the answer, yes why of course they are. WHAT ALPHA WOULDN'T BE TRAINED FOR SUCH A BIG RESPONSIBILITY.

"Yes, honestly alpha I'm surprised you weren't trained! you seem so much better than the others and trust me I would know.. he would pass me around" he gritted. I lurched forward gritting my teeth. Flames danced across my skin my canines out ready to dig into flesh. 

"Do you know the Alpha of the Cresent Wolf Pack?" I gritted out sliding down from the chair into a more fetal position. He nods and I wave at him to give me more information than that. 

"Esmeraldo? uh that guy is weird.. thankfully he never 'wanted' me I wasn't quite his um type I guess.. the dude only has two types... I was not slim enough and not quite I guess um big enough? fucking weirdo" he mumbled and I laugh agreeing. The guys a fucking sicko. "Also he only liked fuck some group of Alphas when here, I'm not even sure how much alliance negotiations went on the previous alpha just wanted to fuck others goddammit!" Oh great so I'm in for a group of Alphas thinking this is going to be a fuck fest! GODDESS DAMMIT MOON GODDESS.

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