Chapter 15

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/Don't judge my drawing skills, I'm just starting male drawing and haven't drawn in years or well never like this lol/

I didn't want to think, nevermind attend this meeting everything seemed to be going in a downhill spiral... nothing was making sense anymore. Quiver and Lou ignored me unless it was Alpha duty-related and even Ares was taking a step back. I felt alone, I felt unsure of myself. What did I do to deserve this? I didn't force anyone to help me well I was in some stupid heat! I didn't want them.. they were supposed to be my family! The ones I counted on! I felt my claws grow ripping into the pillow I clutched tightly.

I needed people I could trust, not ones that wanted to get into my pants. I growled breathing heavily before stopping myself. This wasn't me, this wasn't who I am. This wasn't how I wanted this to be I needed to calm myself. I need to look at this through other perspectives they grew up with this being the norm for them I haven't. I was used to abuse, to witnessing others' pain but... now everything was in a twisted path and it made me unsure of myself.

The plans got drawn up, a contract of the alliance for each Alpha all a little different depending on what we determined were their needs and what ours were. I could sense their presence at the broader, it was strong ten Alphas in one house? It felt like I was planning my own death. I ruffled my hair fixing it in the mirror curly red hair was now past my shoulders making me somehow look more mature. I still couldn't really grow a beard so I kept more clean-shaven. Green eyes pierced into me the dull look in the familiar. Who am I?

What have I truly become? I recognized the man in the mirror but at the same time I was looking at a stranger. Stronger, deadlier... taller. Did I like what I saw? Why did it always feel like an illusion? I wasn't trained for this role, I wasn't built for it, it felt wrong to have it and yet I craved it so much. The power sinking into me whispering how much good I could do. Was it really good though?

I clenched my fist, the bloodlust was getting out of hand my need to kill growing every day. I didn't know what to do, where to run. It felt impossible to escape it the need pulling me deep thousands of hands grasping onto me not letting me catch even the slightest of breath.

"They are here Alpha" Ares voice carries strong her arms folded over.

"I know, I felt them.. tell me Ares do I need to kill Quiver and Lou?" I mock my head twitching to the side. I stare into her eyes the momentarily flash of panic in them fading.

"What? No Alpha" she bows her head so nicely pleasingly on her shoulders. One wrong move and I could swipe it off.

Some alphas go mental in the change, not every one of them survives. I smile, walking past her. The grand doors of the mansion opened letting the wind inside for only a brief second as I stepped out. Quiver waited to smile, a smile I wanted to bleed out of him. He needed to di-NO Alexander get a hold of yourself please fuck.

I sigh passing by him to go meet these Alphas, I could already smell Esmeraldo the scent of him clinging in the air. I took a deep breath trying to savor it a little my mind fogging over for only a second. What if I had accepted his dumb shit, stayed with him let him kill me one day? Where would I be now? Going crazy cleaning? The smooth line between freedom and this pack came into view. I bit my lip looking at the group of Alphas they chatted joking and smiling as if this was an everyday item. It was to them though, wasn't it? They thought themselves here to fuck too destress and then tell us no to our alliance's plans. Maybe this is why the old Alpha was crazy? this is why they are all crazy.

I felt Quiver, Lou, and Ares by my side their presence in the area alerting the Alphas that we were here to welcome them. Each Alpha brought his Deltas with them their beats would be taking care of the house expect Esmerlado he apparently decided to take everyone oh yippee! Xallion stood yummily beside him as well as Johnso and his other delta that I never got to know the name of.

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