Chapter 5

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I sent out a little prayer to the goddess in Hope's of clearing my mind. I felt like I was in a tunnel the end of it so very bright but the darkness around me keeps me locked in. Spooky.  I shifted around in the bed, it was soft like a cloud if I imagined sleeping in a cloud this would be it. I could feel myself fluttering on the edge of sleeping but the fact of Esmeraldo snoring next too me left me speechless.

I could kill him where he lays... oh shit I could just kill him. Bam I'm the Alpha, under very uh non legitimate ways but still what a power move.

I wiggle out if bed quietly like a snake, creaking the door only wide enough for me to slip out before going to the kitchen.

A knife, the perfect weapon deadly and silent. I slowly pick one out of the knife block creeping back into the room. I slip into my side waiting a few minutes. I look over his calm sleepy face so beautiful until he opens that goddam mouth to snore like a vacuume cleaner.

I was suddenly thankful no one at my house snored maybe that was the little bit of peace in my life I took for granted.

Goddess forgive me, I love you so very much but this man. I can feel his evil.

I slowly slip a leg over his body waiting another minute with no reaction before sliding to knife to his neck.

I put a little pressure a small line of red oozing from the wound before I was thrown to the floor. Shit, I should have been quicker! A low growl filled the room yellow eyes glaring from above me.

"It was the maid" I whisper thankful that the knife slipped under the bed. He would just kill me with his razor sharp canines or claws.

"Ohh was it pretty boy? Do you play me a fool?" He hisses, I can barley process his movements before my body is thrown onto the bed bouncing before being pinned down. My head and chest are pressed into the blankets his one knee on my back pressing me further down the other off to the side.

I take in deep breaths.

"It was a mistake" he growls his hand digging into my hair pulling my head up. I gasp feeling liquid run down my face. Tears I was crying.

"Yes! Yes it was a mistake" I whine out my heart beating rapidly as he rolls me over trapping me between him, his legs crushing my arms I couldn't even use my legs to try and hook him off...

He smiles sadistically, an evil glint in his now yellow eyes. One hand remains on my hair the other creeping towards my neck. "If I wasn't going to have such fun with you... with this cute little bodie you would be bleeding out right now Alexander, don't mistake me not killing you as mercy... you will be tortured in more ways then one for this" his smiled dimmed, lust replacing anger in his gaze.

He lightly traced my neck before brushing his fingers across my cheek then my lips.

"I'll fuck you now" he smiles reaching across the bed into a cabnit pulling out a long bottle of liquid.

I scan the bottle lable L.U.B.E for both self pleasure, and for the pleasure of others. When paired with anal sex this high class lubes helps men to feel more like a woman... Hmm ok. Uh what?

I watch at he looks around us briefly hes still sitting on my chest with his legs trapping my arms. He reaches back pulling down the pajamas pants and boxers he had arranged for me to wear.

I feel slight goosebumps from the sudden cold air of the room hitting my intimate areas. He flicks off the bottles cap spilling the liquid onto his fingers, I take a good look at his face noticing he shaved. Holy shit hes even more handsome without facial hair. Like some devil sorcery going on here.

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