Chapter 20

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I let myself stand the blaring sound ringing inside my ears, attack. An attack on the pack! I growl running back to the packhouse the warriors already on high alert the main guard shivering blood gushing out of his arm. "What has happened!" I growl spriting faster towards them. 

"The Cresent Wolf pack had attacked! they ambushed us after 'leaving'" he growled out, I pointed too another to get the healers and doctor. I feel myself grow angry how could he? how could he! he will pay with blood for this. I look over to my Beta and deltas each of them a hard look on their faces. 

"Kill their pack! do not surrender. Lesser warriors gather the woman and any children to the safe places around the pack and do not leave them under any circumstances... everyone who is fit must fight!" I take in a breath looking over to the west side fire, they are burning houses! "NOW! BEFORE WE ALL DIE!!" the warriors jump into action rushing to save and attack. I feel myself burning, twisting inside. How could this happen? everything was good everything was OK! I jump back as Quiver places a hand on my shoulder. 

"We must back them out of this territory now Alpha, may we call upon our mage?" I nod watching as Lou speeds off in the other distance. All packs usually have a mage of some sort as I mentioned were not the only race there are so many others. I hadn't even met them before what an amazing alpha I am. I suck in a breath looking off to where they are coming in. 

"I must fight Quiver, hold down the packhouse.. do not let them ruin this pack!" I growl feeling myself begin to shift. The pain burns into me as I do so my body changing into that of a beast, a blood-hungry beast. I run off everything blurs around me as their scent fills my nose I can't pick up him or his main pack but he has his warriors fighting the front for him. I growl as one comes to attack biting into his neck and crushing it. The blood does nothing for the bloodlust building up inside me. My mind starts to fog over the beast taking control. 

He scents them out killing them one by one with these warriors. our warriors are each either half or fully shifted. The once beautiful grass and flowers turn into a battlefield, blood drips down into the ground I feel it drip off my muzzle as well as I attack more and more each of them coming back tenfold. I let myself go softly floating in the back as my body gets scrapped up as we kill and kill. I remember Quivers blush and soft words as we slice into the throats of our enemy. 

I remember watching Esmerlado smile the first time I made his favorite dessert, he praised me so much that day. I remember training ready to take down a corrupt Alpha when they are all so corrupt. I take in his scent my gaze narrowing down into his. He stands tall a white wolf, my own beast bristles red fur soaked in red. My eyes narrow as Johnson comes after me, I don't stop ripping into his throat killing him... His others come forward two at a time Xavier the beta and his other delta. 

I step back growling before jumping onto his other delta ripping into him, I growl once more raising my head as Xavier comes at me. I jump onto him my weight bringing him down harshly onto the forest floor. I bare my fangs but he still struggles I snap ripping into him as well. I feel his presence come in behind me. snapping at my neck and throwing me off his beta. Now dead blood pouring from every wound too much to save. 

He growls barring his own canines at me, I can see the anger the resentment. He starts to shift his bare body now before me. 

"SHIFT!" he yells eyes flashing, I growl back shifting. 

"How could you!" I yell stepping forward. 

"How? HOW? I told you Alexander I was going to kill you didn't I? did you think our quick goodbye meant anything? fuck I just wanted to have you once more before killing you!" I take in a deep breath my mind crumpling. Why did he do this to me? why did he do this. I want to huddle into a ball and cry. 

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