Chapter:-18 The surprise

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y/n pov
Next morning
I woke up due to something cold under me..I slowly opened my eyes just to see myself sleeping on floor in bathroom.....I remember everything happened yesterday.....He trapped me here i have to get out of here as soon as possible
I stood up and next moment i heard a growl

My body flinched so hard

I won't go out was the only thing roaming in my ears
So i stood there and looked around to find a safe place to hide in case if he breaks the door
I saw another door there..I opened it and was shocked to see

I opened it and was shocked to see

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I took some steps back and tried to shut the door but before I could do so a hand stopped me from shutting it

He pushed the door as i stumbled back and he entered there with a disgusting smirk on his face
Jungkook:-Baby you make me chase you this time i made sure that I win
y/n:- What did I do to you ?Why are you doing this ?
jungkook:- You Made me obsessed with you to the extent that not even a single second I can spend without thinking about you...You made me desire yourself That I could not even sleep properly

My heart was beating like crazy and I was literally very scared of the words he blurted out

y/n:-L-look It's Y-your problem Not mine so l-let me go

I said and he sighed


He shouted on top of his lungs as I flinched

jungkook:-Last time y/n listen carefully you are mine and no matter what you will have to stay with me until your last breath Because today is our marriage

My felt like my heart stopped beating..Did I heard something wrong i thought

jungkook:-You heard it we are getting married y/n

I shook my head as tears welled up my eyes

I am only of 18 Now and I haven't even completed the last semester of my university
How can I marry someone....especially him...I can never marry him

y/n:-No..n-no I will not marry you
jungkook:-I am not asking you..I am telling you that you will have to marry me also listen carefully Don't dare to think of escaping or else I am going to kill you precious mother and Brother

My eyes widened, tears we're already flowing down my cheeks

Y/n:-Y-you can't do that!!
jungkook:-Oh baby i can...and I will if I caught you escaping..and don't underestimate me you can't hide from me I'll find you from the tiniest part of the earth

I fall on my knees crying...I cannot take this
jungkook:- Now come on get up and take a bath..I will send maids to get you ready and once again I am reminding you don't you daredo anything stupid
y/n:-Please jungkook i beg you please don't do this

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