Chapter 20- Icatha

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In real life snow leopards can live for 15-18 years in the wild or up to 25 in captivity. So I'm making the lifespan of ghost leopards longer than that at 50 years.



Keira and I approach the collection of elders beginning to form in a cave just off the main cavern. As we enter, we find that we are the last to arrive. Each clan has one chief, and each of them are here today. Keira is the chief of the Kiarani tribe, so she takes her place in the circle while I stand off to the side behind her. Keira is one of the eldest at 47. To her left is Astras, chief of Zilexs - a large, 32 year old, muscled leopard with amber eyes and scars covering his battle worn coat. To her right is Amala, chief of Meridan- a slim, 28 year old leopard with Hazel eyes, who is extremely smart and often overlooked. Next to Amala is Skye, chief of Sadaron, a small, 40 year old leopard with very fluffy fur and brown eyes. Then there is Rem, chief of Chaoshof, who also has fluffy fur, but has lots of muscle, is 34, and has a scar leading from his missing left ear to the base of his neck, and grey eyes. Finally is Kumo, chief of Firdorns, 36 years old, with dark green eyes, darker than usual spots, and lots of muscle.

The clans each have certain specialities that help them, or the ghost leopard population to survive. Sadaron are our healers, they use the plants surrounding their home in a hidden pasture near the centre of the mountains to create salves and medicines to cure all of our injuries and illnesses. Meridan specialise in all things technical, they create special armour and weapons for our warriors to use when fighting that enhance our natural abilities without us appearing any different, they live mostly underground in tunnels and caves left by the fae. Firdorns live in the pine forests in the West of the staghorns, they are the most spiritual of the clans and use their respect for the environment and other creatures to gain allies in unlikely places. Chaoshof live by the frozen lake in the East of the staghorns, and live mainly on fish. They help supply food to the other clans when there are shortages, along with Firdorns, and are also often warriors. Zilexs is the main warrior tribe, and live in the caves and ledges near Caraverre. They also protect the ghost leopard species and culture from human discovery by keeping their fearsome reputation. Kiarani are also mainly warriors, but unlike Zilexs, hugely encourage all leopards to fight, not just the males. Kiarani live in the peaks of the mountains near Orynth, and offer sanctuary towards any leopards that are banished from their clan or do not wish to stay with them, called lost souls. These lost souls can choose to live with Kiarani and become a warrior or great leader, or move to Sadaron and become a healer. Choashof, Kiarani, and Sadaron tend to have thicker, fluffier fur, whereas the other clans have shorter fur. This varies dependent on leopards though.

Each of the clans have a crest, a leopard paw print in different coloured paints and dyes. Kiarani is blue, Chaoshof red, Zilexs black, Firdorns green, Meridan yellow, and Sadaron white. These are imprinted around the cave walls where the fae carvings do not stretch.

Once Keira has sat down, the meeting begins.

"Look who finally decided to join us." Spits Astras, his deep voice echoing around the cave.

"I'm sorry if my lateness caused you any inconvenience, you know we always love your dramatic entrances Astras." Keira shoots back, and I can see Kumo try to suppress a smirk. Astras doesn't respond, but shoots a glare Keira's direction.

"Don't worry about it Keira, I'm sure you have a good enough reason." Skye says warmly.

"Yes I do actually. Lysandra has returned so I was talking to her."

"Why is she here?" Rem asks accusatory, his growl rumbling through my bones. Astras nods in agreement, not trying to hide his resentment towards me.

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