Hatching Day and Layla Reborn

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           A week has passed and I could feel my eggs moving so I gathered everyone in the house to come to witness it. Ellie watched intently and Bella was bouncing up and down with excitement. Haylie was freaking out trying to baby-proof our room. The twin's egg started cracking first and my heart fluttered in anticipation as I saw the crack become larger. Both pups burst out of the egg and called out for me. I approached them with a smile and they both calmed down. They both had my eyes and Haylies hair but both of them looked mostly like me. The rest of their features were raptor-like but they both had wolf ears on top of their small heads. Their other sister was trying to break out of her egg and what pooped out, surprised me. Our last pup looked exactly like Aunt Layla but with raptor features. I looked at my mom with a shocked look then Irene herself came down from Starlight to tell her about Leah. She told us that Leah was in fact, Layla Lycan in her new life since she died by silver phosphate. Irene then vanished into thin air as Leah stumbled over to Mom. "Hi, Sissy!" She said hugging my mom's leg. "That was weird," We both said at the same time. "Boys," I said, "Get the f*ck out please." All of the males left the room except for the members of my family. I then put clothes on all three pups and I put them in the nest to settle down so I could get them food. "What are we going to feed them?" Haylie asked me. "Well," I said, "Let's just hope that you don't have a weak stomach," I said before going downstairs to get a slab of meat. I then went up and ripped a chunk of the meat to chew it for my pups since their teeth are too small to do it themselves. "I'm out," Half the rest of the people said walking out except for my mom and Haylie. I then mouth feed them the food then they stopped chirping. "They're beautiful, Claire," Mom said with pride, "I never thought that this day would come so soon but I am happy that it did." "Thank you, Mom," I said hugging her. All of the pups had feathers that were black like mine, but Leah had flame-colored feathers that were on her arms and tail, and she looked more birdlike than the twins. Out of nowhere, Haylie pulled out a large diamond ring and proposed to me. "Claire Lycan," She said anxiously going down on one knee, "Will you marry me?" I was excitedly wagging my tail and I pulled her into a kiss then said yes. "How did you get enough money for the ring?" I said after putting it on my finger. "Clockwork got the hookup," She replied with a smile, "And what I mean by that, is she threatened the guy into giving her it." "It's beautiful," I said admiring the diamond. "We can plan the wedding whenever you would like, Claire," Haylie offered. "Okay," I replied, "We can start planing it tomorrow." "Okay," Haylie said with a smile.

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