Ellie's pups are born

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               After the eight-month period had come, I went back to the island where Slender-man was waiting. My belly looked like I had just eaten half of the fish in the ocean and I could feel my pups moving inside of me. When we teleported back to my room, I noticed that my pool was a lot bigger and that it took up more than half of the room. The room was also expanded to accommodate the size of the pool. I thanked Slendy then tiredly got into the pool. I could sense that there was a lot more prey in the pool and I couldn't go a few meters without bumping into a catfish or a bass. I then swam down to my grotto to rest and prepare for my little ones.

                The next month, I woke up at 3 am with contractions. I didn't know what to do but my instincts took over and made me take my bikini bottoms off. I could feel a tail poke out of my quim as intense pain seared through my body. I squeezed the first pup out and the last four out through a very painful process. My pups were all about 28 inches in length and they swam around me in a circle. I looked at them and realized that they looked like normal sharks but I could feel that they were different. There were two males and three females but I didn't bother trying to name them right now since I couldn't think of them. I imprinted on them so they would know that I am their mother and their dominant shark and they seemed to understand. I then went out to grab a catfish to feed them and they instantly swarmed the fish as soon as I let go of it. They were like piranhas and they demolished the catfish like it was nothing. They then went into a frenzy and killed and ate every fish that they saw until they were full. I could sense someone getting into the pool and so did my pups. I had to race in front of them to stop them from attacking Bella. "No," I said through body language, "Bella is not food." They circled around each other telling me that they understood then I decided to have them meet Bella. I then told them to stay there and I would splash the water with my tail to signal them to come over. They continued to circle around me then broke off to circle each other. I then swam up to the surface to greet Bella. She smiled then started to wag her tail as I hugged her. "I think you are getting better at controlling your bioelectricity," She said hugging me back, "I can barely feel it." "I pupped," I said excitedly, "Do you want to see them?" "Yes please!" She said excitedly wagging her tail. I then lifted my tail slightly then hit the water giving the signal to my pups. They appeared at the surface with their fins sticking out of the water. They were swimming in a 'V' formation as they approached Bella cautiously. "Bella," I said with a smile, "Let them come to you." I then used my bioluminescent scales on my tail to tell the pups that it is okay and that Bella will not hurt them. The pups swam slowly over to the small outstretched hand from Bella then one by one, they rubbed their heads against Bella's hand then they circled around her playfully. "They like you," I said with a smile. "They are cute," Bella said giggling, "I thought that they would have most of your features." "Well," I said, "I was the only experiment that survived at that lab so I think that they won't have the same features as me. But they are way more intelligent than other bulls." "I saw them swim in formation," Bella said after the pups decided to chase a small catfish around the pool, "Did you teach them that?" I shook my head while watching them chase the juvenile catfish. "Did you think of names yet?" Bella asked me. "I have not," I said almost embarrassed, "I had a few names in mind for the two males. Jude and Ben." All the pups actually had different colorations on them so I could tell which is which. Jude has a white patch over his right eye and a few spots outside the signature stripe that bull sharks have on our top caudal fin. He also had a small yet noticeable scar on his left side. Ben had a deeper blue tint in his skin which kind of looked like me but he didn't have bioluminescent scales. The only thing that did glow was his stripes on his top caudal fin. The three females, on the other hand, were Beth, Kaylie, and Kat. Beth had dark almost black skin and she had a purplish-grey underbelly. She also had small spikes on her gills. Kaylie had albino skin and her eyes were a pink color that turned black every time she goes to bite down on something. She was also the smallest pup in the litter. Kat, on the other hand, had the same skin color as me and she also has bioluminescent scales dotting the sides of her tail. She is also the largest pup of the litter. I told Bella their names and who was who so she wouldn't get confused. Out of nowhere, a loud roar sounded outside and it shook the whole house. We then heard glass shattering and calls from the raptor pack to respond to whatever called out. I looked at Bella with worried eyes and we both rushed out of the pool to see what was happening.

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