New Protector

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RK-900 reference

                  Ten minutes later, Daddy, Uncle Aaron, Aunt Blue, and Gram Gram walked in with groceries in their hands

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                  Ten minutes later, Daddy, Uncle Aaron, Aunt Blue, and Gram Gram walked in with groceries in their hands. They stopped when they saw Connor and I drawing together. "What in Irene?!" Daddy exclaimed loudly (which made me jump), "Why is this android here?!" "Calm yourself," Mommy said, "I wouldn't let him be here if he didn't save our pups." "Saved them from what?!" He said while his scales were getting darker. "From another RK-800," Connor said respectfully, "He threatened the pups so I had to protect them." He revealed the bandage where he got shot and covered it back up. "Okay," Daddy said. I went back to drawing but I got another vision. I grabbed another piece of paper and drew what I saw. I looked down at the paper and it had someone that looked like Connor but had a white and black suit with the name RK-900 on it. He had a gun that had a laser on it and it was pointed at Aunt Blue. Jack was in it as well but in his raptor form and was charging at Aunt Blue. Blood dripped from my nose again and landed on the paper. "Shannon!" Connor called. Mommy ran to where I was and looked at the paper. I then grabbed another piece of paper and drew another vision. This time it was showing RK-900 pointing the gun at me and Connor running to get in front of me and the gun. I was bleeding in the drawing from a wound in my stomach. Mommy picked up the second drawing and her mouth fell open. Gram Gram took both drawings and studied them. "Your daughter has the power to see the future," She said surprised, "I took a look at the one from school and Claire predicted that Connor would come for her." "How?" Mommy asked, "She's only six!" "I don't know how," Gram Gram replied, "But you got your power at age 5." Khole and Jack walked in with a goat carcass in their claws and I backed away from Jack. "I hope that is a wild goat instead of the goats the nice farmer had next door," Blue said displeased. "The man gave it to us," Khole said, "The farmer said that he had too many goats this year." "I going to go call him to make sure," Blue said. Jack carried the goat out to the shed in the back yard to skin it later. He came back inside and saw Khloe talking to Mommy about Connor. "Why!?" Khloe said outraged. "Because he saved my pups!" Mommy replied angrily, "If he wanted to kill us, he would have already done it!" Khloe dipped her head and backed down. I felt Connor tap me on the shoulder and when I turned, he showed me a drawing of what looks like me in raptor- wolf form. I have not yet mastered turning into that form yet. I smiled and drew a picture of Connor with werewolf features and I gave him the picture and he smiled. "What are you two up to?" Jack said behind me. I jumped and hid behind Connor. Connor stood up and pushed me behind him. I then grabbed his leg and started to shake uncontrollably. "What did I say?" Jack said confused. Mommy grabbed the picture of Jack attacking Blue and his mouth fell open. "She can see the future," Mommy said, "I don't know if this is set in stone or if we could change it, but lust keep your distance from her." "But I would never do this," He protested. "I know," Mommy said, "but what if you are unaware that you could do this? What if the people in that lab did something to you that can make you do this?" "Not trying to change the subject," Connor spoke up, "But Cyberlife is sending another Connor android here and he is already here now." Everyone dropped what they were doing and scrambled to get everything that they needed to go on the run.

                 Shannon's POV:

             "Blue," I said, "get your pups and take mine then go out the back. Charlie, and Aaron, go with them. Mom, make sure that they get out okay, the rest of you are with me." "I can not be separated from Alex and Claire," Connor said determinedly, "It goes against my orders. And besides, the Connor outside is not like me. He is a new model which is faster, stronger, and smarter than I am so the probability of success is at 15%." The door shot open and the upgraded Connor walked in and pointed a gun with a laser at Blue. I looked over at Jack and he had his eyes fixated on the red dot. His eyes changed from an icy-blue to a blood-red color. He let out a growl as he turned into his indoraptor form and twitched, ready to go for the kill. "Jack?" Khloe said with fear in her voice. I have never heard that tone from Khloe before. The android pressed a button on the side of the laser sight and Jack went ballistic. He first clawed at his head and let out a roar then charged at Blue. Blue dogged and slashed Jack's side with her claws which left a large gash. It clotted in a matter of seconds and Jack was on top of Blue. He hissed at her and went in for the killing bite. He roared when Aaron threw a fireball into his side. I heard a gunshot and Claire screaming in pain. I turned in her direction and rage took over. I pounced on the RK-900 and clawed it to shreds. I looked over at my daughter and my heart sunk, she was shot. Connor was already applying pressure to the wound to stop it from bleeding.

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