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Ivy had a soft smile on her face while Harley giggled as they drove away from Gotham finally leaving that hell hole. The blue skinned woman warned them to leave the city,and Harley wanted it to. "You know red I'm glad we got out of that old rotten town," Harley said smirking as Ivy nodded a bit. "Gotham was never the place for us babe," she responded softly turning to look at Harley. "In the past puddin...I mean Joker never really took me anywhere. I mean sure we went places,but it was always for work,"Harley said frowning a bit. Memories of all the horrible things Joker did to her and the way he treated her played in her head. "Hey, he's gone now try to forget him," Ivy said smiling softly as Harley focused on the road. "You're right I'll just block that piece of shit out of my head," Harley said gripping the steering while tightly. "You know I can always drive if you want," Ivy suggested as Harley growled a bit. "Why can't I! Oh what? Harley Quinn can't do nothing!" she yelled stomping on the gas. Memories of how the Joker wouldn't let her do anything for herself we're kicking in. "Harley you need to take a moment and calm down," Ivy said knowing this couldn't be good. "Ya know red telling someone who is mad to calm down is usually a bad idea," Harley said shaking her head as she slammed on the break. Ivy shook her head using some vines to grab the wheel,and then used some knockout gas to cause Harley to fall asleep. Shaking her head Ivy used the vines to drive the car to truck stop that was right off the highway. Sighing Ivy got out of the car looking around at the shit hole of this truck stop along with its trashy truckers. However a smile did come across her face when she looked over seeing the wind blow leaves out of the trees. "Nature sure is beautiful," she said walking slowly over to the tree line admiring it for its beauty. Suddenly a scream was heard as she turned to see Harley had woke up and already picked a fight. "Fuck me," Ivy said shaking her head as she walked over to Harley. "God I hate truckers," Harley said smirking as she turned to see Ivy. "Oh um hey," she said rubbing the back of her neck awkwardly. "Let's get out of here,"Ivy said as Harley nodded in agreement. They begin driving once again looking for somewhere they could call their own. Ivy smiled looking out the window thinking about the day she met Harley.


It was cold day in Arkham like usual Ivy had been their for about seven months at this point just minding her own business,but one day it all changed. The alarms went off meaning someone was trying to escape,and considering it was Arkham that wasn't that strange. Ivy sighed as she just took care of her plants making sure they got what they needed. Suddenly the door opened and was slammed shut almost immediately after. It wasn't time for a meal so either the guards were being douchebags or this was someone else. Shaking her head Ivy had her vines go grab the person and lift them up in the air. Harley laughed as the vines held her up in the air "This is fun," she said looking around. "Who are you and why did you come here?" Ivy asked looking up at the crazy girl. "Harley Quinn nice to meet ya," she said going to offer a handshake but her arms were tied up.Ivy just looked at the girl who was the most beautiful person she'd ever seen. "Hey plant lady what's your deal anyway?" Harley asked snapping Ivy out of it. "I...well I..." she tried to say before Harley begin laughing a bit at her mumbling. "You know I think I'm going to call you red," Harley said as Ivy blushed a bit at that simple nickname. Ivy snapped her fingers causing the plants to lower Harley down to the ground guards knocking at the door. "Listen if you are going to escape you picked the wrong room to escape from,"Ivy said as Harley smirked. "I ain't escaping yet," she said as Ivy shook her head a bit. "Why come here then after all I don't even know you," Ivy said as Harley giggled a bit. "I just wanted to see if the rumors were true,"Harley said shrugging as she stepped closer to Ivy. "What...what rumors?" Ivy asked stumbling on her words a bit. "That the most beautiful girl in the world was locked up in here," she said slowly as she leaned in kissing Ivy. Ivy blushed going to kiss back,but the guards bursted in causing Harley to break the kiss. Ivy stumbled back a bit watching Harley fight off the guards who eventually got her. They took Harley out of the cell and apologized for the disturbance. Ivy had never felt this way for someone before,but something about Harley just made her feel loved. I mean why did Harley kiss her? Ivy had never even seen Harley except for on the television,but somehow it was like Harley knew who Ivy was already. Ivy didn't see Harley for months then after the Joker busted her out,but one day she came back. Harley and Joker had been busted and brought to Arkham,so now she made sure every escape attempt she visited Ivy. One memorable day Harley seemed like she was depressed about something. "Hey what's wrong?" Ivy asked putting her hand on Harley's shoulder. "Joker wants to break out again,but I don't want to go with him. I don't want to leave you here," Harley said looking at Ivy with visible sadness in her eyes. "Hey next time Joker tries to break you both out ditch him and come with me," Ivy said. "You mean you'd break out of here with me?" Harley asked tilting her head. "Harley I'd love to,but first I'll have to handle the Bat. It should be easy since he seems to think I'm a good one which is why I got my own space," Ivy said as Harley hugged her. It was at this time the guards got in,but this time Harley didn't fight them. Harley waved goodbye as the guards dragged her off just waiting for the next time. Next time came and that's when Ivy convinced Batman to let Harley stay with here,and then they broke out.

—End of Flashback—

Harley sung along with the radio as Ivy looked over at her smiling. "Hey red do you think we will find somewhere nice for us?" Harley asked. "Harley being with you anywhere makes it nice," Ivy said causing Harley to blush a bit. Ivy had a way of making Harley blush like the Joker never did. "You know we could always find something abandoned like a old house or something," Harley suggested as Ivy nodded a bit. "Never thought you'd be the house owner type,but hey I'm in," Ivy said smiling as Harley begin singing along with the radio again.

—The End of Chapter 1

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