Can't Beat Em

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"Come on its just right up ahead," Harley said skipping down the hall before stopping outside of a door. "Just stay out of of my way," she said knocking on the door. "Hey! It's me Harley! Let me in," she said as rumbling could be heard. A smirk rushed across Harley's face, "Told ya they are lovebirds." The door opened as Canary looked at her crossing her arms. "Harley who are these people you are with?" Canary asked looking at Ivy and Natasha. "Listen we don't have time for all this. Where is Huntress?" Ivy asked. "Helena is inside why?" Canary asked as Natasha nodded at Harley. "Sorry bout this hun," she said before head-butting Canary. The girl stumbled back before falling to the floor holding her nose. "Harley what the fuck!" Helena yelled out before seeing Ivy and Nat. "Oh I get it. Harley Quinn betrays us. Why am I not surprised?" she asked as Harley shrugged. "Listen Helena, come with us and save yourself the trouble," Natasha said walking forward. She looked down at the ground seeing Canary giving her a nod. "Sorry," she said before she threw a right hook at Natasha making her stumble back a bit. Running across a table Helena delivered a diving kick to Harley sending her back onto Ivy. She turned around to a left hook before ducking down barely dodging a roundhouse kick from Natasha. "Oh this will be fun," she said before throwing a series of punches of kicks Nat seemed to have the counters to dodge all. Natasha begin to throw a series of strikes that Helena seemed to dodge with the same ease. "Duck!" Canary yelled as Helena ducked down as Harley's bat hit Natasha right in the chest. Helena raised up head-butting Harley with the back of her head. "Fuck this," Ivy said wrapping Helena's legs in vines. "Not today," Canary said throwing a coffee mug at Ivy. "Who throws a fucking coffee mug!" Ivy yelled looking over only to be met with a punch to the mouth. Ivy stumbled back against the wall holding her jaw. "Shit," she said to herself rolling over to the left as a knife impaled the wall where she was. "Come on!" Helena yelled to Canary throwing a chair out the window to the fire escape. "Harley!" Ivy yelled as Harley grabbed her bat throwing it at the back of Canary. Canary fell to the ground as Helena grabbed a kitchen knife throwing it at Harley. "Fuck! You!" Harley yelled out in pain as the knife went into her left leg. Helena ducked down as Natasha fired a bullet at her. The two ran at each other throwing punches that just canceled each other out neither getting the edge. "Fuck!" Helena yelled before grabbing Natasha by the collar and head-butting her three times. Natasha kicked her off only to be met with a cheap shot by Canary. "Fuck this! Helena get back," Canary said planting her feet. "Cover your ears!" Harley yelled out as they all did. Canary let out a scream that was enough to strip parts of the wall off. After screaming she stumbled back only to be caught by Helena. "Come on," she said helping her out of the fire escape. "Gotcha," Natasha said as she had Helena in her sights. "Not today!" Harley yelled out kicking Natasha in the face causing her to miss the shot. "Harley what the fuck!" Natasha yelled at her. "Sorry me and those gals have been through a lot," she said grabbing the knife in her leg. "Fuck me," she said before pulling it out wincing in pain. "You've gone rogue," Nat said aiming at Harley now. Before she got the chance to shot a vine whipped the gun out of her hand. Harley smirked throwing the knife at Natasha who dodged it somehow catching it by the blade. "That's badass," Harley said before Natasha threw the knife back. The knife was knocked off its target when a crossbow bolt knocked it away. "Kick her ass," Helena said standing on the fire escape before she begin to run down. Natasha went to run after them, but was grabbed by a series of vines. "God! Fuck you," Natasha said turning back to look at Ivy. "Sorry she's taken!" Harley yelled gritting her teeth before soccer kicking Nat in the head. "Find your own!" Harley yelled kicking Nat in the side twice before Ivy pulled her away. "So you ready to be on the run from Superman and a government agency again?" she asked as Harley smirked. "You know it," she said as they begin to walk out of the room. "We should go get tacos," Harley said as they walked outside of the hotel only to be surrounded by a bunch of Shield agents. "How about prison food," Fury said as he walked out from the crowd. "One thing you should learn douche is that you don't beat the birds of prey," Harley said smirking as one of their cars begin to explode. "Come on!" Harley yelled grabbing Ivy's hand running off down a alleyway only to see a car at the door end. "Get in," Harley yelled as she opened the door basically shoving Ivy in the car. "What the fuck is going on!" Ivy yelled out as she looked in the front seat to see Helena and Canary. "You heard Harley. We are the birds of prey," Canary said before fist bumping Harley. "Did you really have to stab me in the leg?" Harley asked. "Did you want it to look legit?" Canary asked as they both begin to laugh.

This is the end of this short story! Hope you enjoyed it.

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