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Rolling her eyes, Ivy watched as Harley skipped down the sidewalk of this old neighborhood. "Oo I like that one! I can just see it being the best," Harley said looking at a old broken down house. "You know maybe it's just me,but I don't see lots," Ivy said raising a eyebrow towards the old place. "Ohh Ivs you just don't see it with my mind," Harley said opening the gate to it. "Don't scare me with trying to imagine it through your mind," Ivy said following Harley. "Hey I got a beautiful mind," Harley responded before laughing a bit. "You certainly have a strange mind," Ivy said as Harley kicked open the door. Immediately a wave of dust kicked up inside as it was clear it had been abandoned for a long time. "Harley you realize we have no money to fix this up right?" Ivy asked as Harley shrugged. "Who needs money," she said as she began to walk throughout the house. "I'm going to go look around outside," Ivy said before walking around to the back. "Yikes," she said to herself seeing a completely dead backyard. "What have we gotten into," she said sitting down on the back step. I mean this was going to take a lot of work,but if Harley was happy Ivy would try to be. "You know for two escaped convicts you all don't hide that well," a voice said as Ivy sighed standing up. "Was Batman too busy?" Ivy asked sarcastically looking up at the roof seeing Batgirl. "Real funny," she said jumping down in front of Ivy. "Let me guess. You are going to say something like we can do this the easy way or the hard way," Ivy said rolling her eyes. "Hey you just saved me a stereotypical catchphrase moment," she said reaching down into her utility belt. "Harley now!" Ivy yelled as Batgirl ducked down avoiding the bat swing. After sweeping the leg out from Ivy,Batgirl jumped up throwing a roundhouse kick at Harley. Harley ducked under the kick going for a uppercut which Batgirl moved out of the way of. "Come on then," Harley said giggling as she begin to throw a series of random punches at her. Batgirl was able to block all the punches except for the last one which made her stumble back a bit. "Gotcha!" Harley yelled out laughing before being met with a headbutt. "Son of a bitch!" Harley yelled as she fell back feeling blood pour from her nose. Ivy's eyes widened as she launched a series of vines towards Batgirl grabbing her. The vines tightened up around her wrist causing Batgirl to wince a bit. "You really fucked up," Ivy said as she took a deep breath before making the vines throw Batgirl into the side of the house. Running over to Harley she kneeled down beside her. "Hey are you alright?" she asked as Harley definitely had a broken nose. "No! That asshole just blew up my face!" Harley yelled clearly pissed off. "Yikes! Yeah she definitely did a number on you,but hey you still look good," Ivy said trying to give Harley a confidence boost. Suddenly a batarang hit the ground next to them beeping. "Fuck," Harley said simply as it exploded kicking up a a wave of dust and dirt. "Sorry about that ladies," Batgirl said chuckling a bit as the dust cleared showing a burnt plant in front of the two. "Just great," Batgirl said rolling her eyes as the plant disappeared showing Harley and Ivy were fine for the most part. "You are just being a pain in the ass at this point," Ivy said as her and Harley stood up. "Come on watch the language. I mean I'm trying to be professional here," Batgirl said rolling her eyes. "Harley, kick her ass," Ivy said as Harley smirked grabbing her bat. The two ran at each other with Batgirl throwing the first punch. Harley ducked under it and drove the back of her bat into the knee of Batgirl. She tossed the bat into her other hand before taking a huge swing. Using the blade on her armband Batgirl blocked it managing to cut the bat into pieces. Harley gritted her teeth throwing a left hook that connected. Stumbling back a bit Batgirl threw a backwards kick at Ivy's stomach. Ivy fell back onto the ground coughing a bit. "Hey! Don't touch her!" Harley yelled throwing one part of the broken bat at Batgirl. However Batgirl dodged it with ease, but was immediately met with a kick to the jaw by Harley. Batgirl fell to the ground as she turned over spitting out some blood on the ground before getting back up. "You fucked up Battie,"Harley said as a series of vines shot out of the ground grabbing all her limbs. Ivy walked over to Batgirl as she tried to break free from the vines. "You should just go back to Gotham,and forget this ever happened," Ivy said not wanting to kill her. "Why would I let you two get away? Surely you two have some sort of evil plan you are going to tell me before killing me," she said as the villains usually always revealed their plans for some strange reason. "Listen my only plan is to live a normal happy life with that woman over there," Ivy said pointing at Harley who was more focused on her broken nose. Batgirl chuckled a bit not believing a word of it. "You know you may not believe me,but I love Harley. I will not hesitate to kill you if you put your hands on her again. You got it?" Ivy asked giving Batgirl a death stare. Batgirl nodded a bit as she really could tell Ivy loved Harley a lot just by what she said. "Alright I'll stop. I mean who am I to stand in the way of love," she said as the vines put Batgirl down. "Glad we got that worked out," Ivy said as Harley walked over. "Umm Ivy why haven't you kicked her ass yet?" she asked as Ivy sighed. "We reached a agreement. I mean she isn't going to come after us anymore," she said as Harley shook her head. "You know what? I'm cool with it for now. Come on I wanna make sure my nose doesn't fall off," Harley said sighing as she walked into the house. "Good luck," Batgirl said as she begin to leave. Ivy sighed looking back at the house as a smile rushed across her face. "You don't need luck when you've got Harley Quinn," she said walking inside.

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