Chapter 83

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Chu stop the car in front of shen wei house, he helped shen wei to walked out but shen wei denied," I am perfectly fine officer chu....! I can walk on my on. Don't worry about me." shen wei said while walking out from the car, but his body not able to stand on his own. His head spin really badly that he have to hold on to the car door, so that he won't fall back. Luckily chu saw that and hold him......

"Are you okay sir....?" chu asked hurriedly with concerned. Shen wei hold tightly chu hand and shake his head to clear his view. "Yes....! I am fine..." shen wei said and try to walk on his on. But his shivering legs can't able to walk on his on. He about to fall down but luckily he sit down immediately.

Chu and ling jing hurriedly hold him to check he was okay or not..? "SIR....?!!!" Both yell and hold shen wei, as he fall down on his knees. They check on shen wei, who is breathing heavily and sweating. "You look pale....!" ling jing shout and hurriedly hold shen wei up with the help of chu. Both of them helped shen wei to get inside the house. 

They hurriedly give water to shen wei and ling jing start wiping shen wei sweating face. He checked his temperature and found that he is so cold. shen wei sigh deep after drinking water, like he felt relief and put his head back on the sofa.....

Chu grab some pills and gave it to shen wei. But shen wei didn't response at all and didn't eat the pills. Chu and ling jing looked at each other. They both can understand that shen wei needs yunlan right now. And he is not here........

Ling jing cover shen wei with a warm blanket and put pills inside shen wei mouth, and helped him drink water. Shen wei gulped down the pills and sleep took over him. He fall asleep and chu helped him to lay down.

Ling jing covered his body with blanket, they both looked at each other and then looked at shen wei. Chu grit his teeth and walked out while dialing number on his phone leaving ling jing there. Ling jing stand there shockingly, looking at the door and to shen wei who is in deep sleep.

On the other side yunlan is sitting inside his cabin lost in his deep thinking. "How could you lie to" yunlan thought, while sigh in deep. zhu hong entered the room with a cup of coffee. She silently put the coffee mug on the table and hold yunlan shoulder slowly and calmly.

Yunlan got shucked as zhu hong hand touched his shoulder, he blink his eyes and looked at zhu hong. "Yes...?" yunlan asked trying to move away from zhu hong hand. But she didn't let yunlan move away from her grip. She hold him tightly and gently start pressing his shoulder to make him feel better. 

Yunlan really feel better as she press his shoulders. But he didn't like the way she is touching him. So yunlan stood up. "I am fine zhu hong. I don't need your kindness." Yunlan said in cold tone. Zhu hong stand back and didn't argue with yunlan.

"Take this...(giving yunlan cup of coffee) You will feel better...." zhu hong said politely with a smile on her face. Yunlan saw her and somehow he feel relax seeing her smile. But suddenly he shake his head off and throw away that coffee mug in anger. 

"I have warn you before zhu hong. Don't try to fool me. I have no feelings for you. And that's my final answer for you. So stay away from me. I have lots of matter to sort out. Heard me clearly, I don't like you." Yunlan yell in frustration, zhu hong got scared and move back in fear.

She didn't except this reaction from yunlan. Yunlan walked out in anger not looking back for once. Zhu hong eyes start getting wet as her heart is just broken into pieces. Yunlan hurriedly walked out and he just got crashed with chu, who is also walking towards him in hurry.

They both fall down as yunlan about to yell at chu. As chu just grab yunlan wrist tightly and not wasting a single minute he dragged him out, not listening to him. Everyone there just watched at them in shocked.

"what the hell....! This is how you treat your chief..? Are you out of your mind...?" yunlan yell but chu didn't listen and dragged yunlan out of the building. He pushed him inside the car and sit on the car seat. He just glare at yunlan shocked face and start the car with full speed. Making yunlan startled for a moment. 

"Are you mad....! stop the car....." yunlan yell at chu with anger. But chu just sigh deeply and speed up the car, not saying a single word. After some time he stop the car in front of shen wei house and pulled yunlan out from the car.

Yunlan harshly pulled away his hand from chu grip. "where are you taking me...?" yunlan shout. "I never thought that you are this kind of person.....chief zhao yunlan ! Don't you have any humanity left inside your heart...? how could you do this to him...?" chu shout at yunlan with aggression.

"what are you talking about.....?" yunlan asked confusingly. "It's your responsibility to take care of shen wei. You know his condition very well  and you are doing this to him. What happened to your feelings and trust....? " chu shout in anger.

"What happened to shen wei....?" yunlan asked with concern, like his anger melt down within a second. His angry and cold face became soft and eyes filled with concern. chu grab yunlan wrist tightly and dragged him inside the house.

Where shen wei sleeping peacefully while ling jing have attached IV drip to his hand and giving him some injection. "His BP get low......." ling jing said seeing yunlan and chu walked inside the house.....

yunlan looked at shen wei pale face and a small drop of tear fall from his eyes seeing his shen wei like this.......

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