Chapter 109

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It's a big hall decorated beautifully. Lots of guest already came and enjoying their time. Everyone look happy and relaxed but in the corner of the hall zhao yunlan sitting holding a glass of wine in his hand not showing any kind of happiness and joy. "what happened to him......?" ling jing asked to chu while looking at their chief. who is cutting himself from everyone.

"And where is shen wei sir......? He didn't came with chief.........?" ling jing continue. Chu also found something is not good and looked here and there. "I should check where shen wei sir is........?" chu said after checking around the hall.

As he about to call Minister stand up on the stage and check the mic. "Hello and welcome everyone.........Thank you all who came here for the celebration of My dear son 28th birthday. He just came back to settle down here in this city as a is my son. Zhu Jiu........wish him a good luck for the future..........." Minister said and everyone start clapping as zhu Jiu walked there....everyone looking at him. And wishing him good luck.

But suddenly everyone turned there head back as the door open and someone walked in. It's shen wei....he looks damn sexy and hot in those Blue formal suite......Everyone gazing at how beautiful is shen wei looking right now....

Even yunlan can't control and just looked at his angel who just walked in this party just for him...."Ah....! Our senior head officer. Everyone welcome officer shen wei. Who helps our police department to solve one difficult case. He even loses some of his men but still he got what he want........." Minister praise shen wei and everyone clapped for shen we.

As for zhujiu he just got stun there seeing such beauty and hearing his heroic work he felt so proud and wanted to know about him more. He himself clap for shen wei as shen wei walked passed him after greeting him wishing him good luck and walked near chu and ling jing.

But eyes just stuck upon one figure standing afar from everyone. That's zhao yunlan. He wanted to stand next to him. But today's action and behavior stopped shen wei walked near yunlan. Moreover he didn't want to create any kind of drama in the party.

Ling jing and chu looked at each other and then their two seniors who loves each other and dying to stand beside but for some reason not doing. Chu sign ling jing to get yunlan here or to take shen wei there....because these two are center of attraction and still they are ignoring each other........

And soon they got chance.....they about to cut the cake and all the special guest are welcomed to join zhujiu.....ling jing pushed shen wei forward and chu dragged yunlan towards shen wei....They let them join each other. Shen wei and yunlan got shocked for a moment but yunlan understand what's ling jing and chu are doing. He about to walked away as shen wei hold his hand.

"Yunlan.......please. Not here........" shen wei said calmly and yunlan grit his teeth and stay beside shen wei.......And zhujiu cut the cake for his birthday as Minister brought another one for shen wei and zhao yunlan team....

Yunlan whole team gather around and they make yunlan and shen wei cut the cake and feed to each other. But yunlan smile is fade away. He seems something bothering him and he is hiding so much inside of him......shen wei saw yunlan walked away towards the balcony...........

He followed him while holding soft drink in his hand............

"Ah lan.......? what is going on.......? why are you behaving like this......? You are running away from me.........! what have i done........?" shen wei asked in confusion walking closer to yunlan. And yunlan turned coldly at him. "You don't know what you have done.......?" Yunlan asked coldly.

And shen wei got worried. "Yunlan......whatever you are thinking just say it to me.........if you won't speak how i know what's bothering you........" shen wei asked. "YOU ARE BOTHERING ME......" yunlan shout making shen wei move back a little. He can feel how hurt and angry is yunlan right now. All he don't know is the reason behind all of this.

"You wanna know....? let me tell you shen wei. You are a liar.....! you lied everything to me......! My father is right about you. He always warned me. But i never listen to him. And you...i loved you....but you betrayed could you do this to me........?" yunlan shout as his voice get moist like he is hiding so much sorrow inside.

Shen wei can't hold back himself seeing his yunlan like this....he about to hugged him but yunlan pushed him away..."Don't touch me........You are a liar....! I don't believe you.......! I trusted you, and you do this to are not worthy of my love...! you are not worthy to be with me......get lost and never show your disgusted face to me........" yunlan shout and snatched that silver necklace from shen wei neck hurting him a bit," You don't deserve this. And you don't deserve me......" yunlan said and  left shen wei all alone there with so many question.

Shen wei wanted to stop him but his own emotions build inside him so heavily that he can't even move himself. He just cry heavily while inside everyone is enjoying the party.....shen wei smashed that glass of soft drink on the floor and wipe his tears.......

So that no one can see him cry like this. But only he knows that his heart is bleeding due to yunlan angry words....

Shen wei hurriedly walked out and go straight to his dad house as he is missing his parents badly............he cry his lungs out. Scream their names and try to control himself. "what have i done.........? What's my fault.....?" shen wei mumbled as he cry kneeling his legs down and clenching his arms........

Suddenly he felt that he is not alone in this house. Someone else is also present there........He stop crying and wipe his eyes to clear the view...."yunlan.......? Is that you.......?" shen wei asked felling that someone walking near him.

At the party,

Zhu hong saw and heared shen wei and yunlan conversation. She watched yunlan walked near the bar and start drinking. It's his old habit to drink that much whenever he is sad. But he is not like that after shen wei came into his life. So what happened between them that they both are acting like this.

Zhu hong watched yunlan for a minute than he saw shen wei walked out from the party not saying anything to anyone. So she decide to follow him. She feels that something is not right. These two are broken like a glass and acting she silently follow shen wei and watched him go inside one old yet big house.....

She hide herself and watched shen wei shot and scream for his parents and cry his lungs out. She saw one shadow were walking towards shen wei as he is crying mess there.........She about to alert him but shen wei calmed down and asked for yunlan.........But there is someone else standing behind him looking at shen wei with so much anger and hate..............

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