Chapter 103

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"Here is the reports sir......." Ling jing said giving shen wei reports about Ming. Shen wei took that file and start reading it. while reading he looked at ling jing and to his surprise, ling jing also looking at him.

"That's....." shen wei mumbled and ling jing nod yes. "Yes....! He is being raped before death...." ling jing said. shen wei throw that file in anger. He stand up in frustration and grit his teeth. "Where is his body....?" shen wei asked in anger. "In my lab........." ling jing said.

And shen wei walked towards it..."You might not wanna see it..." ling jing stop shen wei. "I wanna see it. I have some doubts. Bring that file of yours with you......" shen wei said walked towards ling jing lab.

And ling jing hurriedly grab that file from the table and run after shen wei.

Outside in shop......

"How about this one sir.......?" A seller ask showing a beautiful ring to zhao yunlan. "Do you have something really good and precious........?" Yunlan asked with a smile on his face. "Of course.....! this one.....You will like it ..." Seller show another pair of rings to yunlan.

And a big smile appeared upon's really beautiful ring. "Yes this is the one. I will take it......and do one thing......" yunlan said with a big smile. He is so happy. Finally he is decided to propose shen wei. He look here and there while the seller packed those rings after doing some work upon it as per yunlan requested.

Suddenly his eyes stopped upon one direction. He walked near to it. "It's ...." yunlan was amazed. "Pretty right......?" seller asked as yunlan was looking upon a long silver necklace  with a beautiful red pendant in it. "I will packed this also......." seller said seeing yunlan happy face looking at the necklace.

"Ah....give this to me. Don't packed it...." yunlan said and put the necklace in his pocket. And a deep relief mixed with happiness sigh escaped from his mouth. "We will be one xiao wei....." yunlan mumbled. 

He just want to be with shen wei without any confusion. He just want to make shen wei happy forever and show him that how much he want him and love him. Yunlan walked out while smiling holding one packet with him.

He sit upon his bike and ride away back to his father....."He will be surprised......" yunlan thought while driving. 

The sun is getting down seconds by seconds and darkness spreading like a fog. Yunlan drive fast to reach back at the hospital. He grab some food for his father and himself. As he reached at the hospital his phone ring. He frown...because it's an unknown number.

Yunlan picked up the call.........

"Hello...?" yunlan asked. And didn't get any reply. But yunlan can sense that whoever he is. He is not a good news to him. "Ah...chief zhao yunlan. At make me talk to you huh......?" The other voice said. 

"Wang lei....!" yunlan said firmly. Wang lei got shocked. "So you know my name....? Oh.....Ming...! He told you about me....huh...?" wang lei said coldly. And yunlan smirk that his guess was right. 

"You killed him...?" Yunlan asked. "You left me no choice was you who is responsible for his death. If he didn't betrayed me like this. I would his life. But he choose his death." Wang lei said.

Yunlan groan in mad..."You have no heart....! what you want.....?" yunlan asked. "Ah....My heart is being crushed badly years ago. For what i want...? You Cleary know that." wang said. "forget about it. I will never let you even see shen wei..." yunlan groan.

"You are not understanding zhao yunlan. You are just blinded by his love.....(yunlan frown) yeah...i know about you two. Let me clear you one thing. I will kill you all in a blink just right now. But i want to give one chance. Just hand over shen wei to me and i will spear you and your family life." Wang lei threaten zhao yunlan.

"A coward like you can't hurt me or my family. And about shen wei. I am gonna kill you before you could reach him......" yunlan shout. "Oh my.....little kitty know how to growl....? zhao yunlan.....shen wei is a big mistake of your life and one day you will regret that you meet him..." wang lei said and end the call before yunlan could reply to him.

Yunlan got really angry listening to him. He punched hard to the near wall. "You are dead wang lei........" yunlan mumbled and madly walked inside his father room. He barged inside the room making his father startled all of a sudden. He then placed food on near table to xinchi bed.

Zhao xinchi just watching yunlan angry face not understanding what's going up there on his mind.

"You.......okay.......?" zhao xinchi asked looking at yunlan. Yunlan didn't reply and gave food to xinchi silently. "son...i am talking to you. Are you okay.....?" zhao xinchi asked. And this time yunlan looked up at his father worried face and took a deep breath. "I am fine dad...just eat your food you have medicines to eat." yunlan said without any emotions.

"Is everything okay with shen wei....?" zhao xinchi again asked while munching his food. He is really worried for yunlan right now. "Yeah....everything. Everything is fine.........we are good...." yunlan reply.

"I am sorry dad........" yunlan said feeling that his father is really worried for him. "Sorry...? for what....?" xinchi asked. "For making trouble for you....I am being a bad son.." yunlan said sadly. He got worried after hearing wang lei words about hurting his family. 

"yunlan....! Look at me son. You are a really precious one to me and really a good son. I am proud of you yunlan. and care for you. It's just...........about..." zhao xinchi stop. "shen wei.......?" yunlan said.

"Yes....." zhao xinchi said taking a deep breath. "dad what's wrong with him. Why you hate him so much. Is it because he don't listen to you or something else.....?" Yunlan asked. "No son I don't hate him. I just don't trust him. His words......I can't trust upon them. We don't know where he came from. Where is his family. Where he live.....we just know his work and that big lie of his that..........he is pregnant with your child........nonsense." zhao xinchi said what's inside his heart.

Yunlan stood up in anger. He is already frustrated and now his father's words making him more angry. "enough dad....! wei is really pregnant with my child. Doctor confirmed it. Why don't you believe ? You know what dad you are not happy seeing me happy..." yunlan yell.

"YUNLAN....! what are you talking about...? I am your father..." zhao xinchi also shout. " are my father and you should be seeing your son happy with someone. But here you are doing everything to snatch away my happiness......I am not gonna let anyone to come between me and shen wei. You hear me one......" yunlan yell.

And suddenly zhao xinchi feel ache in his heart. He clench his heart tightly with his hand and scream in pain. yunlan anger fade away as soon as he saw his dad like this. He shout for help while holding his dad in his arm............

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