[1] Beach [1]

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"Prince Sapnap!" A maid called, making the Prince turn at the hear of his name. "Where are you going? The Queen says you should be working on the papers she recently gave" 
"I'm just going out for the day, to see the citizens" He replied with a smile,

"But Sir, they need to go to the higher kingdoms tomorrow at dawn!" The maid stressed, 

"And I'll be back before dawn, don't worry" The boy continued to brush off, turning and walking down the hall, now completely ignoring the maid showing her concerns and skipping down the winding stairs.

The Prince of one of the smaller type of kingdom was called Sapnap, he brought clarity to the kingdom's villagers and is probably the most sassiest Prince in the region the kingdom resides in.
Right now he is leaving to go around the kingdom he rules, like he would usually do on a Thursday afternoon. But his mother gave him piles of work that he 'should' do since he is a royal and need to prove an example.

The chaotic prince jumped on the banister and slid the rest of the way down, stopping and sliding off the end. Running down the rest of the halls and grabbing a random bit off food from the nearby moving tray that was being pushed by a chef.

"Sapnap." A familiar voice to the boy spoke sternly, making him stop in his tracks and look up towards the king of the nation. "Where do you think you are going?"

"Oh, uh. Out" He answered shortly, shuffling slightly in his spot.

"I'll do that when I get back."

"How many do you have left?" The King continued,

"Um, about 1.. hundred- I will be back as soon as possible" The son bargained, the King didn't budge.
"Go back up there and sign them," 

"But Da-"
"No, Sap. Go on, I'll check on you in a hour." 

Sapnap scowled, turning back around and going sluggishly back up the stairs from where the maid still stood. "Told you you should've stayed," They murmured under their breath, passing the Prince as he trekked into his room and closing the door behind him.

About 10 minutes later full of procrastination, he had an amazing idea.
He could just leave through the window.

Taking the rope that was under the bed that was the right length to scale the building with, opening the window and placing a small object so it doesn't close all the way and throwing the pale looking rope down the side of the castle he resided in. It bounced slightly as he made sure it wouldn't fall so he could get back up, wiggling side to side as it steady itself.

He checked the door, locking it with the key he has and placing that key on his desk. Also double checking the steadiness of the brown rope and finally climbing down, hitting the grass below with a thud.


"Dad, can I please go down to the beach?" Y/N asked her father, who was getting set up with a meeting. "My friends are going and I haven't seen them in a while"

"Honey, you know why you can't" Her father shut it down, going around the table and making sure everything is wonderful for their 'guests'. Y/N followed behind him,

"I know, I know. But I will be good, I won't be in your hair for what it seems to be an important meeting." The girl begged, looking at the table set up before trying to get her father's attention by going in front of him. 

The man in the suit looked at his daughter, "Y/N," He warned, "It is dangerous out there at the moment, I can't keep you safe if you go out there by yourself."

"Then, can I take one of your men?"
"I need them with me,"

"I'm sure number 243 can come, he told me he isn't in duty for the next couple days." Y/N still tried, her father weaving through her to get to the drinks cabinet, sighing.
"Because he is training since he is one of the weak ones," 

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