The Doctor's In

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The Doctor closed the TARDIS door behind him, walking toward the console. He had just paid his respects to the Ponds in New York City, and now needed a new place to go. He knew if he stayed in any one place for a certain amount of time, he would regret it. There wasn’t ever any time for mourning because he had to keep moving. He decided to head for another galaxy he hadn’t been before and pulled the lever. However, the TARDIS had other plans. She swerved, knocking the Doctor down, and flew in her own direction.

“What are you doing?” The Doctor called out, in no mood for the TARDIS’s misbehavings. He grabbed the console and was shocked. He remembered that the TARDIS always took him where he needed to go rather than the places he wanted to go. “Oh, come on! Can’t we go where I want to go once in awhile?” The TARDIS swerved again, giving him a negative answer. He climbed into his seat and crossed his arms. There were very few times where he was powerless in his own TARDIS, and these were one of the times.

At last, the TARDIS stopped and let the Doctor touch her console again. Of course, she didn’t allow him to move until he went outside. Abiding by his curiosity, he walked toward the door and cautiously opened it. He had landed on some sort of human military base, clearly somewhere in the early twenty-first century. And he and the TARDIS were surrounded by men and women with guns. Giving a weak smile, he raised his hands above his head in surrender. One man, clearly in charge, stepped forward and grinned.

“How did you get on this ship, sir? We’re flying in the sky, yet you’ve landed some sort of craft without any landing bay or window,” the man demanded, a kind tone hiding in his tone. The Doctor put his hands down and took a step toward the man. “Who are you anyway?”

“I’m the Doctor. I’m not actually sure why I’m here. There was a glitch in the main frame of my machine, which brought me here. How I got in here, however, is a completely different matter,” the Doctor explained, loving the situation. He had been surrounded by weapons before, and always had to figure a clever way to get out. The man nodded before listening into his ear piece.

“I see. Well, Doctor, it seems the Director wishes to see you. So, if you’ll please come with me,” the man instructed as two soldiers flanked the Doctor, who snapped his fingers subtly, locking the TARDIS. The man started down the hallway with the Doctor and his new guards following close behind.

The Doctor looked around the halls and through the windows to see different labs and rooms teeming with people. He smiled and waved at them as he walked by. Most only stared or cautiously waved back. Only one person jumped at the sight of him and frantically waved. She looked to be about twenty and had pale blue eyes and chestnut hair. Something about her made the Doctor curious. She looked rather too young and feisty to be on a military base. She opened the door and started to follow them. The Doctor seemed to be the only one who even noticed, but acted casually, since he predicted that she wasn’t supposed to be following them.

As the man came to a door, a screen flickered on to see a muscular bald man with an eye patch. The Doctor narrowed his eyes, thinking that he looked familiar. The man explained the situation to the Director before the door opened. He signalled away the soldiers and told the Doctor to follow him.

The massive man stood at the window, irritated about something in particular. The Doctor’s escort stood by the door respectively as the Doctor stood next to the Director. The window showed fluffy clouds and a bright blue sky, which was rare to find on a planet. The more common colors of skies, the Doctor recalled, was more indigo or turquoise. Not the pure blue you found on Earth. The Director turned to the Doctor.

“Who are you?” he asked calmly, walking back to his desk. The Doctor watched him sit before standing before his desk.

“I am the Doctor-”

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