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Andrea jumped out of the blue box as the Doctor followed. He locked up the TARDIS and tossed her the key. She easily caught, but eyes him carefully.

"All my companions get a key. Even you, Andrea. And I don't give that key to anyone," the Doctor reminded with a smile.

"Won't you need to get back in?" She replied, pocketing the key. The Doctor smiled and laughed.

"I do have a key. That is a spare for my travelers. Are you sure it'll be okay? Even with Tony?" He mentioned as they walked back down the hall. Andrea rolled her eyes.

"Of course. Why would he care? It's not like we're going out or anything," she smiled, her heart breaking at the mention of it. The Doctor sighed and shook his head. Love really was blind. "Anyway, what next?"

"You should go see Nick," he answered right away. She gaped at him, utterly shocked.

"I don't think that's a good idea. We need to let him calm down for an hour or two," she snapped back, afraid of the idea.

"Won't he be worried? He seemed pretty mad earlier," the Doctor argued, stopping in the hallway. Andrea sighed and hung her head.

"He's just so scary when he gets like that. But I am curious to why he acted that way. Fine, I'll go, but you're coming with me," she decided, her eyes glinted. The Doctor smiled and nodded, thinking that her mischief was contagious.

Andrea led him through the maze of a base, passing Bruce's laboratory, where Tony also was. She smiled and waved as they passed. He smiled back until she turned back around. He gave a warning look to the Doctor, making the Doctor shiver. Soon, they arrived at Nick's office and stopped in front of the door. Andrea took a deep breath and gave a hopeful look to the Doctor before she pushed open the doors. Nick was standing by the window, hardly noticing that they had entered. They walked into the middle if the room as he turned to see them. He sat in his chair behind his desk, gesturing for both Andrea and the Doctor to sit down.

"Where have you been? I've been searching the entire base for you. Willow told me that you were with the Doctor, but you weren't with him. How do you explain this?" He explained, staring at Andrea. She shifted uncomfortably in her chair.

"Around. I like to go up into the rafters and watch the soldiers run around. You know I do," she explained, avoiding his gaze. He sighed and held the bridge of his nose.

"Andrea. Do you realize how worried I've been? After I told Steve and Natasha to go retrieve Loki, you dropped off the earth. I thought you went with them for a while,"he admitted, trying to trick her. However, his thoughts were a little too loud.

"Why would I do that? It wasn't like a ground mission. It's just a lot of flying around, which isn't super fun," she answered, rolling her eyes. He nodded and sighed.

"I saw Tony's here. Have you said 'hi' yet?"

"Tony's here? Since when?" She squealed, pretending to be excitedly surprised. Nick exhaled, wondering why he even brought it up.

"Yes, he is. He dropped by on the mission and helped Captain being down Loki. Oh, and I would advise you stay away from Loki," Nick warned as she eyes him mischievously.

"Little late for that, Dad. I've already talked to him," Andrea informed, startling Nick.


"I got curious. Besides, he's in a glass box inside a death trap. He couldn't hurt me. I think I damaged his mind more than he could mine," she winked, making Nick laugh.

"That's my girl. Did you break his spirit?"

"A little, but not significantly. I think he's still going to be a problem for a while. I gave him a lot to think about, though. That's something," Andrea smiled as Nick chuckled.

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