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The Doctor accompanied Andrea to the medical wing of the ship, which had been leveled out by now. They passed by the bridge, where Nick was talking to Steve and Tony. Andrea wondered if they knew about Phil and if that was what they were talking about. However, instead of figuring that out, the Doctor continued to help her to the hospital. She kinda wanted to to go say ‘hi’ to Tony, but knew that she needed help. Her thoughts seemed fuzzy and almost felt like they were dissipating.

Once they made it there, they found the wing to be vacant of patients, which was surprising since the attack was so surprising and damaging. Not that Andrea or the Doctor protested. She needed a medical doctor immediately as she started to fade from life. Her breathing seemed to slow down as she started to go limp. They walked up to one of the nurses, who was surprised to see them. As she turned around, the Doctor smiled.

"Willow," he greeted as she smiled before looking at Andrea's state. She had her eyes closed as her skin paled dramatically.

"Oh my god, what happened to her?!" She exclaimed, calling for a gurney as Andrea fully passed out. The Doctor quickly explained as she was placed on the rolling bed and taken into the hospital room. "Usually I would say that you should of brought her here immediately, but under the circumstances, I'm glad you did what you did. We were so busy earlier and we were sinking."

"Thanks," he mumbled as they passed a medical doctor. Willow called him over as they wheeled Andrea to the ICU wing.

"We need a concussion check for Miss Andrea Fury. Remember that she's Asgardian, though. She's a lot heartier than the average woman," Willow explained, marking her clipboard. The medical doctor nodded and followed them.

"Who are you?" The medical doctor asked the Doctor.

"John Smith. Codename the Doctor. Who are you?"

"Doctor Isaac Dean. What is your relationship with Miss Fury?" Dr. Dean inquired, eying the Doctor. He had never seen him around before now, and wondered if he even was supposed to be here.

"Friend, but if you don't let me sit by her side, I'll break in," he mentioned as Dr. Dean laughed.

"No, you're fine. Our medical rules are quite different from a real hospital's," he laughed as the Doctor smiled.

"Good," he smiled and nodded. "Do you think she'll be okay?"

"I've seen far worse. And if she's from Asgard, then she should be back on her feet tomorrow or so," Dr. Dean explained as Willow and another nurse placed Andrea on the hospital bed. "Does the Director know she's here?"

"No, but I'll tell him next time I see him. Do you think he'll come visit her?" he asked as the medical doctor shook his head and looked at the floor.

"No, honestly. Why would he? He knows she'll most likely be fine and he has other things to do. Like help save the earth and the human race," he informed as the Doctor gaped.

"He never comes? That's horrible. Isn't he her guardian/father?" The Doctor inquired as he turned away from Andrea. Dr. Dean smiled sadly and turned toward him.

"He's never been a father. Just a mentor. I wonder if its possible that man has a compassionate bone in his body," Dr. Dean explained grimly, feeling sorry for Andrea. The Doctor nodded as he went to sit down beside her. Dr. Dean soon left after taking her temperature and pulse. Willow sat across from the Doctor as he held Andrea's hand.

"You're a good man, Doctor," Willow mentioned softly, smiling toward him. He laughed and shook his head.

"No I'm not, but thank you. I just want her to be okay," he whispered, staring at Andrea. She seemed so innocent and in need of protection.

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