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The Doctor led Andrea down the hallway, faster than she had ever seen him walk, to a large blue box that said ‘Police’ on the top. She stared at it, thinking that the box didn’t make sense. Why was it here? How did it get here? Why was he showing it to her? Andrea looked over at him as he smiled wildly. She bit her lip and exhaled.

“It’s a box,” Andrea said at last, but it hardly affected his smile.

“It is a box, but inside, it’s so much more,” the Doctor insisted, touching the side of his nose. He snapped his fingers as the doors swung open. A brilliant light came through, startling her. Andrea looked at him as he urged her to go in. She turned and walked in, finding a whole new world within the small box. She peeked her head out and looked around.

“It’s bigger on the inside,” she whispered, very confused. The Doctor nodded excitedly and followed her in. He spun around, looking around himself.

“It’s the TARDIS. The Time and Relative Dimension in Space!” he introduced, touching the console. Andrea smiled and stood next time.

“So this is what you came in?” She asked as he nodded, making her smile grow. “This is brilliant. A TARDIS. I’ve never seen one before.”

“It’s the only one in existence right now,” he sighed, examining it.

“A prototype?”

“No, the rest have been... destroyed,” he mumbled, peeking around the pillar. Andrea frowned and touched the console.

“I can hear her,” she whispered.

“You can what?” the Doctor asked, interested. Andrea looked up for a moment and back down at the console. She could feel the machine’s soul and its thoughts. It was unbelievable and magnificent to see the soul of something so old and complicated.

“I can hear her thoughts. She’s speaking to me,” Andrea smiled, surprising the Doctor. “She’s telling me about your adventures. Ha ha, this is amazing. Is that Rose? No way, she’s gorgeous!”

“What?” the Doctor whispered, curious to the new development.

“Nooo! Nu-uh. There’s no way! Really? Aw, that’s so sweet!” Andrea laughed, looking at the TARDIS console. The Doctor walked beside her and stared at her, wondering if it was truly possible. She looked up and him and laughed. “She’s telling me about how you looked in your ninth generation. Did you really wear a leather jacket? You looked good in it, though.”

“Thanks...?” he whispered as she smiled.

“Oh my god, you’re married? Oh, but she’s beautiful, too! River Song. What a gorgeous name! What happened to her? Oh, she’s traveling. Gotcha,” Andrea smiled, laughing along with the TARDIS. “Yeah, I could see that. He’s so secretive, too. I know, I know. Can you see him now? I’m sorry. You should see the face he’s making.”

“The face he’s making?” The Doctor replied, astounded by the conversation. Andrea smiled and took a mental picture to send to the TARDIS.

“You’re ‘surprised this is happening’ look, Doctor. The TARDIS can’t see you, but she can hear you talking all the time. You always talk, but she says you never really say anything. She wishes she could speak directly to you again and laugh along side you, too. She misses you, Doctor,” Andrea translated, smiling kindly before bursting out laughing. “You called her ‘Sexy’? Oh my gosh, you are my new favorite person, Doctor! Oh, the TARDIS agrees with me. You are too good to be true.”

“...I don’t know how to respond,” he admitted as Andrea laughed with his machine.

“Anyway, she’s working on a better way to communicate with you, rather than just sending you off willy nilly. Like she did this time. She says she sent you here for a reason,” Andrea continued, forcing her eyebrows together, silent for a moment. “What do you mean by that? What were you searching for? Me? You were searching for me? I’m flattered, but why?”

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