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As the helicopter landed the helicarrier, now floating in the ocean, Steve and Bruce went their separate ways, back to their previous lives. However, they didn’t plan to go far, in case something else happened. Andrea gave them each a goodbye hug, not sure when she was going to be able see to see them again. The Doctor waved them off as Natasha and Clint came down. Being agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., they were still needed. Nick came out and walked up to Andrea. She flinched, knowing she was in a heap of trouble.

“Andrea Miranda Fury! Where the hell have you been?!” he demanded, standing in front of her. She ducked her head.

“Helping out,” she whispered vaguely. Nick rubbed his forehead and grunted.

“God, Andrea. At least you’re safe now,” he grumbled, turning to the Doctor. The Time Lord smiled as the Director stared at him. “You let her go?”

“Of course I did. Did you really think I could stop here? She’s got her memories back at least. Loki fed her the tesseract energy,” the Doctor answered as Nick looked away from him.

“Why did he do that?” Nick hissed as Andrea slipped away to talk to Natasha before she went inside. She wanted to say her goodbyes to her before she ran off through the universe.

“Loki wanted her on his side. He fused the tesseract energy into her, probably when he escaped. The engines were a diversion. He wanted Andrea to join him. He probably got to her when he first met her. The tesseract can enhance emotions. That’s why he assaulted Phil. That would cause her to be crazy angry, as she was. The memory loss was just a blessing. I don’t think he knew about it, which led to his downfall. If he had known, he might have been able to get her on his side. When Loki saw her on the plane, he came up with the brilliant plan,” the Doctor continued, slightly lying about Loki’s knowledge, as Nick glared at him.

“So we’re lucky that things turned out as they did?” the Director whispered, glancing at Andrea.

“Yep, exactly. Either way, we should be glad that the tesseract drained from her when it did. She was about ready to kill Loki when I got there. However, I was able to extract the influence, giving back her memories,” the Doctor replied as the Director turned to him.

“Thank you, Doctor,” he mumbled, surprised at him.

“You have an extraordinary daughter, Fury. She was able to turn away when most wouldn’t have,” the Doctor whispered, remembering when he found her. She didn’t fight him when he extracted the energy, telling him that something from the normal Andrea was still present that wanted the energy out. Nick nodded and hinted at a smile.

“Yes, I do,” he answered as Willow ran out to Andrea.

“I would like to take her traveling with me, Director. She’s expressed a desire to explore the universe and-” the Doctor started, avoiding Nick’s eyes.

“You want to take my daughter away?” he demanded, crossing his arms. The Doctor stuttered for a moment, trying to form an argument.

“Well, it’s a time and space machine, so she wouldn’t be really gone from your perspective-”

“Doctor, she can go.”

“We’ll be only a few minutes and-,” the Doctor argued, making Nick smile for the first time in weeks. “Wait, what?”

“She’s not human, Doctor. I think she should be able to experience what she was meant to. Asgard has access to space travel. Earth does not. She can’t stay here forever, either. She’s going to outlive most of the people, except Willow. I think she needs this, Doctor. And I trust you. Only God knows why, but I do. Just bring her home safe,” Nick conditioned, crossing his arms. The Doctor smiled and nodded.

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