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Soon, they landed back onto the helicarrier, a mass of soldiers waiting on the landing pad to escort Loki to his prison. Natasha turned off the engines and dismissed her copilot, who saluted her and promptly left the craft. Andrea unbuckled her seatbelt, grabbed a face mask, and peeked around the corner. The Doctor placed a mask over his face and followed her, startling her.

“Don’t do that,” she hissed, scouting out the exit.

“What are you doing?” he whispered as Nick appeared below to order the guards around. The Doctor exhaled and hid behind the corner, too. Andrea was hiding from her father below, hoping that he still didn’t know that she was here. Natasha walked out passed them, hardly acknowledging their existence. Andrea made a mental note to make it up to her as she stayed out of sight. The Doctor peeked out and found that Nick had walked back inside. “I think we’re clear. He went inside.”

“Good. Now let’s sneak out of here,” she whispered, maneuvering down the ramp. The landing pad was empty minus a few workers tying down the planes. Andrea grabbed the Doctor’s hand and ran to the nearest door. The Doctor stared at his hand, hoping that Tony wasn’t watching.

Once they were inside, Andrea took off her mask and threw it under a box. The Doctor did the same and ran after her. She smiled, thinking that she did a good job sneaking out and back in without Nick even noticing that she was gone.

“Where are we going now?” The Doctor asked excitedly. He hadn’t had this much fun since the Ponds. He smiled, regardless of the pain it brought, focusing on the present. He couldn’t stay in the past. He would wither away if he did that. Andrea smiled at him and shrugged. She wanted to see where they were keeping Loki, and she had a pretty good idea where he would be.

“Somewhere fun,” she answered, almost skipping down the hall. The Doctor rubbed his hands together and ran after her. They finally met Loki and the guards walking towards them, passing Bruce’s laboratory. The Doctor and Andrea stood against the wall as Loki smiled darkly at them. Andrea made a disgusted look as they passed by. Once they were far enough down the hallway, Andrea jumped and removed one of the ceiling tiles. Before the Doctor could protest, she jumped up again and pulled herself up. “Are you coming or what?”

“Coming,” he mumbled as Andrea pulled him up with enormous strength. Once they were up, Andrea replaced the ceiling tile and walked down the short corridor. “You truly are from Asgard.”

“Just figuring that out now?” She laughed as the Doctor followed her, enjoying himself a little too much. They continued down until they met the wall. Andrea ran her hands down in, wondering if there was a way out. She walked to her right and found a vent. She opened it and found the glass chamber, which held Loki. Nick was standing by the console, talking to the war criminal. She put her finger to her lips as she looked at the Doctor and faced the vent.

“Let me know if ‘true power’ would like a magazine,” Nick hissed, leaving the room. Andrea opened the vent cover and jumped down, landing in a crouch. The Doctor looked out below and used a nearby pipe to slide down. Loki looked at the duo and smiled.

“What can I do for you two?” he whispered, his dark grin forming. Andrea walked toward the glass.

“How do you know me?” she demanded, spreading her legs apart.

“I know you because I remember the story Odin told me about the day you were sent down here. Your father's name is Ve, brother of Odin, and your mother is Freya, Goddess of Beauty. However, they were separated and Freya remarried once or twice, leaving Ve alone with you, his only daughter. Embarrassed of his failed marriage and being a single father, he cast you out during a battle, hoping that no one would notice. However, Odin found you on the edge of the battle field, so lost and helpless, and wrote a note before sending you to Midgard, the safest place you could be in such a deadly time. No one spoke of the lost child of Ve and Freya, since very few knew that she even existed. You were only a few months old. You’re lucky to still be alive,” Loki explained, raising an eyebrow to the Doctor. The Doctor glared at him before looking away.

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