Getting with Mr. Barrlow's Daughter.

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No one's P.O.V

Duncan and Courtney have been talking to each other for months they even called each other. Duncan's father thought to get on Mr.Barrlow's side Duncan would have to date his daughter. Duncan didn't want to do it just to get his family on good terms with the Barrlows he wanted to do it for love.

Duncan's P.O.V

I can't believe my father wanted me to date someone's daughter just to get on their good side. I didn't care I wanted to do it for love and that I really cared about her. Fuck the family's good or bad side. After today was the weekend and I was stuck playing with Lily which I didn't mind.

I slowly woke up to little giggles and something like puppy size on my chest I slowly opened my eyes to see my sister laying on me she laughed as I opened my eyes wide she giggled again telling me, "Good mornin Dunny hehehe." I smiled and told her good morning in a groggy voice. "Lily can I get up so I can clean my teeth or do you want your brother to be stinky?","Ewww no go clean your tweeth miswer!" Its funny how a three year old knows how to speak so fluently or partly but she got up and held her doll which is named bubbles I got up to do my morning routines after that I threw on my sweatpants and a wife beater on and walked out to find Lily on the floor playing with her bubbles.

"Dunny someowes at the dwoora" she yelled to me I was curious who would be at my house? At this time I walked over to the door and slowly opened it peeking my head out. To my surprise it was Courtney. Wait Courtney?!?! What the hell? How she.find out where I lived? "Uh hey princess what are you doing here? This is and unexpected visit." I blushed when I remembered what I was wearing.

"Haha sorry I came to see if I could hang out with you?" I couldn't have anyone over but she's my friend maybe even more. So I let her in my little sister hid behind me as she walked in. "Bwuder whose that giwrl? And why is she hwere?" I chuckled and kneeld down to Lily and told her she was my friend.

I sworn the little girl gave me a look that' yea right' look I told her she is. Then started tickling her she couldn't help but laugh as I picked her up and tickled her more. "N-no hahaha Dunny stop hehehehe I'll hahaha get Mrs. Bubbles on you hahahaha." She told me in between laughs I chuckled as I put her down. I looked up to see Courtney gone either she's looking around or she left I didn't really know where she was till I heard the dogs...

I ran while Lily is on my back I went to the yard to see Courtney in a tree shooing away the dogs as they bark and claw at the tree. "Princess! Hold on I'm coming!" I told Lily to hang on as I started to run to the tree. "Max! Skipper!" The dogs looked at me I signalled them to halt and sit on the ground. I walked over and put Lily down as she went over and started talking to the dogs.

I held out my arms for Courtney to jump down she was scared at first but jumped landing bridal style in my arms she clinged on me for dear life. I told her, "it's ok they won't bite they're just protective of the house hold." Once we were back inside I sat her down on the couch, "You need anything? Water? A towel? Or just to relax?" Her breathing turned normal as did mine.

"How'd you end up outside? I was gonna show you around.","I thought I could tell where everything is but I didn't know you had dogs Duncan...but your right I should've waited." I was relieved I heard the dogs or she would've been a goner. "Ahum" I turned to see Lily holding her doll tapping her foot I chuckled at her, " Courtney this is Lily my little sister, Lily this is Courtney." She stuck her tongue out at me and said hi to Courtney and showed her, her doll bubbles and told her the things she did with her doll.

"Oh and you know what else?","Oh? And what is that Lily?" Courtney asked I was curious myself as I sat beside them having Lily in between us I looked at my sister with my eyebrow raised when she started giggling as she looked at me and whispered into Courtney's ear. I was a bit worried and curious at the moment what did Lily whisper to her.

Then I noticed Courtney was smirking at me,"Yes...? What something on my face?" I started patting my face she giggled and said, "Nope nothing on your face...buuut I heard from a little birdie that you daydream about me or that you talk about me a lot." My face blushed a dark red I looked down at Lily as she started laughing again so did Courtney.

After today it was fun it was the weekend and it was a good one, when I led Courtney out she turned and kissed my cheek I blushed again as I said, "W-what was that for...?" She giggled, "Duncan we've been talking for awhile now heh and I really like you..." I knew where she was going so I got my guts and asked her, "So would you be my girlfriend? I mean if you think not then I understa-" she kissed my lips to shut me up so I took that as a yes when we pulled apart she smiled and started walking off waving goodbye. "Bye Duncan see you tomorrow or Monday yes?" She yelled out to me I told her yes obviously she smiled again as so did I. I did what pops told me to do but I also accomplished my goal. I got the girl of my dreams.

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