Good Luck, You'll need it.

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Duncan's P.O.V

The day Courtney and I kissed was the best day ever I couldn't stop thinking about it she crossed my mind at work, at the store, even at home. I laid in my room having the scene run over and over in my head as I laid there with a smile on my face I didn't hear my mother come in. "I think someone is in love or has a 'girl' on their mind." She said in a singing kind of tone. I looked at her and stuck my tongue out she giggled and sat beside me I sighed and sat up.

"What's wrong sweetie?" She asked me I looked at her she smiled and put her hand on my head ruffling my hair. "Nothin' ma I'm fine it's just....just that I can't get her off my mind." She smiled pulling me towards her hugging me tight as she giggled I smiled at her I love my mother I loved her dearly no matter what happened in the past. "Sweetie the thing that's going on here and what your feeling is called love...just like how me and your father were when I was your age." I hate to admit but it was true I was in love I couldn't even fight it I shook my head as I smiled. "Come on dinners ready wash up and we'll be down stairs ok?", "Ok." She kissed the top of my head and left.

At dinner I didn't eat much I thought of her to much. "Son you didn't eat. What's wrong?" My father said when he walked in my room I was staring at the ceiling he walked closer with a curious face on. "Ahh! Pops w-what are you doing here I-..." he silenced me then smirked saying, "You did it didn't you?" I shook my head he chuckled and patted my shoulder. "Excellent my son now, you just have to cozy up to her old man you might have to do risky tasks for him but it'll be worth it."

I looked at him shocked but then shook my head understanding what he wanted...I hated doing this just for him but I'm doing it for me as well. I really gonna need luck on my side.

The next day I went to Courtney's I was nervous as hell but I had to be on her father's good side. When I arrived I breathed hard and slow and started heading towards the front doors I knocked once then again. Their butler came out and said hello I started to studder then finally said, "I'm here to see prin- I mean Courtney I'm Duncan...Duncan Rodreguiz." I mentally slapped myself for saying my last name he opened up the door and letted me in.

"Simon who is it?" I heard a woman's voice then a middle-aged woman came down the stairs she looked like Elisia but older. "Oh hello I'm Carry Barrlow and you are?", "Eh...Duncan...Duncan Rodreguiz ma'am. I-I'm here to see Courtney.." I couldn't believe I was this nervous she called for Courtney I heard foot steps coming down then about halfway I heard a gasp I look up to see Courtney running down the steps and towards me.

"Duncan your here! Eh...oh I see you met mother heh. Mom this is Duncan my boyfriend..." I was real glad I took out the piercings and hair dye.

Why must I always go for the chicks with strict or over protective parents?

Her mother walked over to me I gulped a little she studied my face which didn't show fear but hell I know deep inside I was scared. After she did that she smiled I felt my body break down inside.

"So this is the mystery boy huh? He is very adorable and handsome as well." Her mother complimented me I had to say something fast. "Courtney are you sure this is your mother I could've sworn she was your sister. And it's a pleasure to meet you madam." I said as I kissed the top of her hand showing respect which worked her mother giggled "Well he is certainly the charmer dear I must say you really found a good one but let see what your father thinks of him." That's when I had to prove myself....her father.

"Oh Charles come meet your daughter's boyfriend he is certainly better than the last one!" Last one? Courtney had a boyfriend before me? Huh I probably can be the last guy but I don't care for competition only Courtney's heart.

Then I looked up to see a large muscular man come down I sworn he could beat Jack Gonzalez my great grandfather's enemy. His face was unreadable he walked over and got real close to my face.

"So your the guy huh? Well tough guy. You think your tough show me what you can do." He said in a really low voice he grabbed my collar and hosted me up it caught me off guard when he did it as soon as he tried to get a grip I slipped away regaining my balance.

He charged at me with all he had when he reached me I ducked under then jumped on top of him putting him in a head lock he tried to get me off but I refused when he was down he patted my arm signaling me to let him go I did but still had me guard up.

He chuckled and looked up at me smirking, "You got guts kid I like that....maybe you are tough....shouldn't have misjudged ya heh." I helped him up still having my guard up he patted my shoulder and walked us back to the other room where Courtney and her mother were sitting Courtney smiled at us she got up and hugged me, "So glad you made him misjudged you hell better then my ex proud of you babe." She told me in my ear then kissed my cheek.

Thank you God and for good luck.

After all that I spend the reat having fun with Courtney and her family they were nice and similar to my parents. I was glad I didn't mess up or chickened out. I guess good luck was on my side.

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