Chapter 2: Old Legends

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Samira and Jane were in the healing room, laying on a table-like altar, Samira felt her heartbeat as she grips the altar. "What that?" Jane asks the nurse. "Be still." the nurse tells her. And a graph of their bodies shades out in front of them."This is not of Earth, what is it?" Thor asks the young nurse, "We do not know, but they will not survive the amount of energy coursing through them. But the General, it's different... it's more like..." she informs them, he looks at her "Like what..." he asks and she looks at him, "Like a strained conversation is taking place inside her mind." she answers, he looks at Samira as the healer left his side.

Thor looks over at them, "That a quantum field generator, isn't?" she asks her, "It's a soul forge." the elder nurse tells her, "Dose a soul forge transfer molecular energy from one place to another?" Jane asks her, the woman looks down at her. "Yes," she answers. "Quantum Field Generator," she whispers to Thor, he chuckles a little, Samira rolls her eyes as she smiles at Jane. "My words are mere noises to you that you ignore them completely," Odin tells him.

Samira and Jane suddenly sat up when the soul forge was gone. "They are ill," Thor tells Odin. "She is mortal. Illness is their defining trait. Samira is no different." Odin informs him, "I brought them here because we can help them." Thor informs Odin, "They do not belong in Asgard, any more than a goat belongs at a banquet table." Odin insults the two. "Did he just – who you do think you are?" Jane questions him. "He is Odin, king of Asgard. Protector of the Nine Realms." Samira tells her, Jane looks at her then back at Odin, "Oh. Well, I'm..." she starts, "I know very well who you are, Jane Foster." he tells her.

She looks at Thor. "You told your dad about me?" she asks him."Something is within them, Father. Something I have not seen before." Thor tries to explain to him, "Her world has its healers, they're called "doctors". Let them deal will it." Odin tells Thor. "Guards! Take them back to Midgard," he orders his men, they walk up to them. "No, I would not..." Thor tries to warn them.

But as soon as they touch Samira's arm, "No, Don't!" she shouts, but the dark red pulse shoots out from both of them, pushing the guards away from them and they both collapse on the table. Samira groans in pain, pressing the heel of her hand to her head as the ache grew "Touch them, Jane, Samira are you alright?" Thor asks as he looms over Jane. They nod as Odin took a hold of Jane's arm, gently ran his hand over her arm, and saw the red liquid run through her veins. "It's impossible..." He mumbles to himself, "The infection it's defending them." the woman states, "No. It's defending itself." Thor states, and Samira groans in pain, rolling onto her side.

As the red liquid slithers in her head, making her grip it, Thor looks at her as the red liquid was slithering throughout her body and settled inside her chest and the red glow mixes with the purple glow, Thor helps her sit up, "Samira's what's wrong?" he asks her, she flutters her eyes open, "It hurts..." she mutters then one of the healers came to her and sent a soothing spell into her head, calming her down. "Come with me," Odin tells them, Jane pulls herself off the table and the three follow Odin.


"These are relics that pre-date the universe itself. What lies within appears to be one of them." Odin tells them as he took out a book, "The nine realms are not eternal. They had dawn as they will have dusk. But before that dawn, the dark forces, the Dark Elves, they reigned absolute and unchallenged." Odin tells them."Born in eternal night, the Dark Elves came to steal away the light, I know these stories. Mother told them to us as children, do you remember Sarah?" Thor states.

She looks at him, "Of course I do, she would tell us every night." she answers."Their leader, Malekith made a weapon out of that darkness and it was called the Aether. While the other relics often appear as stones, the Aether is fluid and ever-changing. It changes matter into dark matter, it seeks out host bodies, drawing strength from their life force." Odin tells them the story.

"Malekith sought to use the Aether's power to return the universe to one of darkness. But, after eternities of bloodshed my father, Bor finally triumphed, ushering in a peace that lasted thousands of years." he finished the story. "What happened?" Jane asks him, "He killed them, Every. Last. Single. One." Samira states, "Are you certain? The Aether was said to have destroyed with them, and yet here it is." Thor states, gesturing over to Jane and Samira. Odin looks over at him, "The Dark elves are dead." Odin states, "Does your book happen to mention how to get it out of us?" Jane asks him, the two men look at her. "No. it does not," Odin answers her and closes the book.


Somewhere in space, Algrim was looking onto his panels. "The worlds are nearly aligned." Algrim informs Malekith, "You will be the last of the Kursed." Malekith tells him, taking out a knife, and walks over to Algrim. "Let my life be sacrificed. It is no less than our people did. Or have you done?" Algrim states in front of him and Malekith stabs him with the knife, Algrim grunts a little, and Malekith pulls the knife out, press his forehead against his, and gave the knife to a soldier you gave him an object of the Kursed.

"You will become darkness. Curse to this existence until it consumes you." Malekith places the curse inside Algrim's wound. "Until you have no power our enemies possess can stop you." he tells him, Algrim swallows the pain and straighten up."I tear down their defenses and ensure your return to a universe reborn," he promises him, Malekith to a step back and away from him, then a soldier walks up to him, showing him a mask of a warrior tribe or something. Algrim took it, places it on his head, and walks to a ship that will take him to the closes realm that is in chaos at the moment.

So the plan to retake the Aether and bring darkness back to the world can begin again and this time; make sure no one will stop them from their mission.

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