Chapter 4: A Fool's Plan

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In the afternoon, Jane and Samira were in a guest room, Jane runs her fingertips along her arm as Samira brushes her hair, slowly. Then a strange sound attracts their attention,

-Sister. He comes, he comes to take the power away. Be warned.-

A whisper warns Samira and she sets down her brush and they both stood up and walk to the balcony. They were the Aether in the sky, covering everything in its wake. The golden city of Asgard was being shuttered in darkness.

We are few now.

This was a foresight of Malekith's plans of her success in reclaiming the Aether from both Jane and Samira's bodies.

We must be prepared.

But Samira's vision then flashed to a dark and open room, six glowing stones were circled in a room.

We must awaken soon.

But four shadows stood before them, their hands held out, cupped together as the stones were lifted onto their hands. Two carried two each as the other two carried one each.

Or all is lost...

She tried to get a better look but was suddenly drawn back, she blinks as she found herself in the tree of life room.

Beware... Beware the one...

The voices whispers to her. Panting, she shook her head and looks back at Jane, wondering of the warning that was left before. What caused it? What's it the Aether... or something else. "Jane Foster, Samira Regalson you need to come with us." a soldier tells them, they both looked at the guard and were escorted them somewhere.


"We're are still unable to restore the palace shields. Our artillery cannot detect them. Even Heimdall cannot see them." Fandral informs Odin. "My king we are all but defenseless." he also tells him, "They're your prisoners now?" Thor question his father.

Odin looks at him then away. "Leave us," Thor orders the guards, everyone left the ruined throne room, leaving just Thor and Odin. "I do not wish to fight with you." Odin tells him as he walks down the steps, "Nor I with you, but I intend to pursue Malekith." Thor tells him. "We possess the Aether. Malekith will come to us." Odin tells them, "Yes, and he will destroy us." Thor informs him, "You overestimate the powers of these creatures." Odin states.

"No, I value our people's lives. I take Jane and Sarah to the dark world, draw the enemy away from Asgard. When Malekith pulls the Aether out of them, it will be exposed and vulnerable. And I will destroy it and him." Thor tells him. Odin turns and looks at him, "And If you fall. You risk this weapon falling into the hands of our enemies." Odin tells him, "The risk is far greater if we do nothing. His ship could be over our heads right now, and will never even know it." Thor tries to get through to his father. "If and when he comes his men will fall om 10,000 Asgardian blades." Odin tells him, "And how many of our men shall fall on there?" Thor questions him. "As many as I needed!" Odin shouts at him, then stagger a bit as he uses Gungnir to balance himself.

"We will fight, to the last as Asgardian breath. To the last drop of Asgardian blood." Odin tells him. "And how are you different from Malekith?" Thor asks him, Odin just gave a sarcastic laugh. "The difference is my son, is I will win," he tells him and walks off. Thor watches his left and he looks over to the dark elf craft.


Thor sat alone at an empty tavern as Heimdall walks up to him, "Your not at Odin's war council." Thor states, "The Bifrost is close by your father's orders. One is to come or to go." Heimdall tells him as he sets his helmet down on the table. "We face an enemy that is even invisible to me. What use is a guardian such as that?" he questions as he sat down. "Malekith will return and you know this." Thor states and looks at him, "I need your help." Thor asks of him," I cannot overrule my king's wishes. Not even for you." Heimdall tells him, "I'm not asking you to. The realms need their Allfather strong and unchallenged, whether he is or not." Thor tells him.

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