Chapter 6: Down With The Bloody King

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Jane stops the van at the apartment, she turns off the van and everyone walks inside the apartment. Darcy looks over to them, "Jane, Samira." she states, jumping from her computer. "Hey." Jane states, tossing the keys and pulls off her jacket, Samira also pulls off her leather jacket and walks up to Darcy. "You can't just leave like that, the whole world is going crazy. The stuff we saw is spreading." Darcy tells them, Thor sets his hammer on the coat rack. "Did you two go to a party?" Darcy asks them.

As they step into the apartment "Eric?" Jane asks in surprise, seeing Eric. He looks up at her, "Jane!" he said in delight, stood up, and hugs her "How wonderful." he mumbles and pulls away. "You've been to Asgard." he states, "Where are your pants?" she asks him. "Oh, he uh, says it helps him think," Ian tells him.

As Loki and Thor walk into the room. "Ok, I'm going to need everything you got on this. All the work you've been doing on graph metric anomalous, everything," she tells him. "Are you well, Eric?" Thor asks him in concern as Loki walks around the room to Samira. Eric looks at Thor laughs and smiles a bit, "You're brother not coming, is he?" Eric asks him, "Um, well." he states and looks over to Samira as Loki stood beside her."Hello, again Doctor." Loki bows a bit to him.

Eric eyes him and looks away. "I'm not even going to ask," he mumbles. Thor nods and they all get to work. "Malekith is going to unleash the Aether at a spot where all the nine worlds are connected." Jane states as she and Samira were dress in modern clothes.

" Jane states as she and Samira were dress in modern clothes

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"Amplifying weapons impact, for each additional world. The power will increase expansively. The effect will be universal." Eric informs them.

Jane looks at Thor. "But the alignment is only temperately, he must be in the exactly the right place at the right time," Thor informs him. "Will, how will we know where that is?" Darcy asks. "We follow the directions." Eric states and walks into the dining room, everyone follows him. "This has happened before, thousands of years ago," Eric states, taking out a map and marker and clears off the table. "And the ancients were there to see it, "All the great constructions, the Mayans, the Chinese, the Egyptians. They made use of the gravitational effects of the convergence. And left us a map." Eric states, laying a map on the table."Stonehenge, Snowdon, the Great Orme. These are all coordinates taking us." Eric states, "Here." he tells them to mark the map and points to where the lines are most connected. "Greenwich?" both Ian and Sarah asks.

Eric nods at them "The walls between worlds will be almost non-existent. Physics is going to go ballistic. Increase and decrease in gravity, spatial extrusions." Jane states. "Meaning that the very fabric of reality will be torn apart." Loki states, Samira looks at him, then Morjiar flies to Thor's hand. "I'll get my pants," Eric tells them.


Later in the morning, "Focus this is important, we have to hammer them in all around the site, and Jane and Eric will activate them from the tower." Darcy tells Ian, "They're tape together." he tells her. "Do you even know what these things do?" she asks him. "Um, no," he tells her. "Neither do I.," she tells him.

Jane and Eric were inside the building, walking in a hurry as Darcy and Ian also hurry. Loki, Samira, and Thor waited for Malekith to show, and the water in the river was suddenly splitting a bit.

People started to run as the ship decloaks, "Guys, he's here!" Samira shouts out and watches as the ship creates a destroyed path to the center of Greenwich, he walks out of his ship, his men follow him and he sees a portal to another realm open. But then Thor lands in the time square, along with Samira as her clothing turn into her Asgard warrior outfit.

 But then Thor lands in the time square, along with Samira as her clothing turn into her Asgard warrior outfit

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A sword at her hip and a long dagger against her back. "You did not need to come so far, Asgardians, death would of come to you. Soon enough." Malekith tells him, "Not by your hand!" Thor tells him as him.

Loki and Samira approach him in a stand-off. "Your universe was never meant to be. Your world and your family will be extinguished!" Malekith shouts at them, shooting the Aether at them, Samira quickly stood in front of them and creates a shield, and blocks the attack. Malekith attacks again, making the shield crack a bit, and pushes Sarah back a bit. Loki helps her stand her ground.

He throws another attack at her and the shield crack even more, "You know with all that power, I'd thought you'd hit harder." Samira taints him, Malekith readies himself for another attack, "Samira now!" Thor instructs. Sarah drops the shield, Loki pulls her into a kneeling position as Thor swung his hammer at Malekith, sending him flying back. Thor took off after him and the elves turn their attention to them.

Loki and Samira stood up, Samira drew her sword as Loki drew his daggers. "Just like old times." Samira states, Loki smiles. "Yes indeed," he tells her and watches a few of the dark elves were gone. "What the." Loki starts, "That would be Jane." she tells him and they charge that the elves fighting them.

After fighting with them and killing them mercilessly she saw Malekith appear in the square he looks up and saw the realms aligning. Anger and hatred fill her everybody. "MALEKITH!!" she shouts at him, he slowly looks from the alignment and at her. He gave her an evil grin and starts to walk to the weakest point of the alignment. "No, no!" she shouts and starts to run to him, a great pillar of the Aether surrounds him, Samira was almost there, but she steps into a portal.

And suddenly landed on top of Loki as they fell to the ground, "Loki?" she asks. "Samira," he states. Then she looks up at Darcy, who was kissing Ian. "Darcy?" Jane asks, she looks at her and drops Ian. "Jane!" she exclaims, "Ian." Eric states, "Selvig." Ian states. "Samira!" Jane states, "Mew Mew!" Darcy states as Morjiar passes by.

Samira got off Loki and helps him up to his feet, then they run to the outside of the square and saw Thor looking over at the colossal of the Aether. "Thor!" Jane shouts out. As Jane, Samira, Eric, and Loki run up to him."We're too late." Jane tells him, "The convergence is at its peak." Eric tells him, Thor looks over to equipment in Eric's hands. "Not from here," Eric informs him. "We can't get close enough," Jane tells him.

Loki and Samira exchange looks that looks at Thor. "I can." Thor states and took the equipment from his hands."Thor, I will come with you." Loki states and ran with him, into the storm. Jane and Samira watch as they disappeared into the cloud of the Aether, Samira interlocks her hands together as she prayed for Loki's safety.

Jane beeper went off three times and the great cloud of the Aether vanishes into thin air, Malekith was gone and Thor and Loki laid on the ground. Unconsciousness, the two race to them and kneel beside them. Samira looks up and saw the ship starting to come down. "Jane!" Samira yells at her in a warning. She looks up and tries to pull Thor out of the way, Samira did the same thing Loki, but they hardly budge. Then they embrace their lover and waiting for the crushing the blow. But it was just a gush of wind.

Samira peeks her eyes open and saw that the ship was long gone, "Is everyone alright?" Eric asks them, Jane looks around then rests her head against Thor's chest. Samira opens her eyes, brushes her hair away from her face, and looms over Loki. "Loki?" she whispers to him, he flutters his eyes open and saw Samira looming over him, a smile graces her lips. "Hi," she mumbles, Loki smiles at her, grips the back of her next, and pulls her down. Pressing her lips against his, in a passionate kiss.

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