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Carina Deluca has been working as an OB/GYN at Grey Sloan Memorial for two weeks now along with her new colleagues Arizona Robbins, Jo Wilson, Alex Karev and Addison Montgomery. She's been offered a job after leaving her home country, Italy, to pursue her career away, following her little brother Andrew Deluca who she has a tight relationship with.

Two weeks went by so fast, she's still trying to create links with her co-workers although it can be tough at times for her since everyone seems to already get along with one another. However, she does not regret her choice. Indeed she's actually proud to work in such a reputed hospital in the country, she gets to work with everyone and see many cases each one more fascinating than the last. She almost never gets time for herself which doesn't actually bother her, it keeps her mind entertained despise the hard work and the amount of energy she's putting into it.

The most interesting thing for our new doctor, other than the cases, is to see how every floors cooperate so quickly and how the emergency room is always full of people, police officers and Seattle firefighters. It has only been two weeks, admittedly, but she already feels like an intern exited to handle new patients and their upcoming baby each time the ER's doors open.


Maya Bishop is a Seattle firefighter who's been trying to run as captain for months now. She's been working her ass off, training every day, exercising in the park, at gym and even playing basketball. She may appear as a level-headed and sometimes as a perfectly pulled together person especially around her fellow firefighters at Station 19, but she has her downs even tough it took her years to adopt a new mindset. She adores her job and tries to let nothing get in the way even if it includes fighting with her best friend Andrea Herrera who's also her roommate along with Jack Gibson.

Bishop almost never gets rest and barely has time to hang out or even eat just like most of the team members. The only real resting days are the holidays which doesn't always enchant her. She's indeed not a big fan of those vibes flying all over the city, she's more of a mood killer person expect when she can go party at night clubs or have drinks only to get drunk. Andy likes to use this as a reason why Maya will end up alone seeing her friends happily established in life when she'll only get her job, her and Gibson. 'You should consider getting a dog for when i'll move out with Boris to make babies' she'd say but all Maya could do is roll her eyes ironically knowing Gibson would still be left and it's not like she was coming back home that often anyway.


Tuesday 16th May 2018, that day firefighters and doctors were called on a ferry emergency in Seattle's harbor. Neither knew the extent of the damages, yet. 

Once teams arrived, the view displaying in front of them was chaotic. Screams mixing up with cries, children looking for their parents and vise versa, blood, broken bones, it felt like a war scene. At first the aid froze fast enough taken out of their thoughts by the loud helps escaping from many, so many people. 

- 'Captain Pruitt Herrera, what happened?' asked Station 19's captain.

- 'We don't know everything yet but so far, the cruise boat had a technical problem and wasn't able to slow down when entering the harbor. Its speed was surprisingly high which caused a fire to start in the control cabin. We've evaluated the casualties around hundreds of people.' answered Ryan Tanner, a police officer.

-'Bishop, Hughes you'll go check on the fire in the cabin. Herrera, Gibson try to find people who might be stuck inside the boat and get them out. Montgomery, Dean and Warren you'll bring supplies to help gathering kids and parents.' ordered their captain.

Everyone was mobilized, everything was intense, the local TVs were heading to the field. At Grey Sloan, finding beds was starting to become an issue, just like in most of the city's hospitals. Each service was overwhelmed. Carina Deluca was in rush examining patients after patients adding the ferry ones at the top of the list as they were sent to her specialty.

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