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'MAYA' A loud scream coming from downstairs woke Maya up. 'Get up we're going to be late'.

She opened an eye to check on her alarm only to see it was barely 9 A.M. Andy yelled once more provoking the asleep girl to mumble an inaudible noise. When Andy opened the door to jump way too early on the bed right next Maya to shake her up softly but too abruptly for our blonde firefighter she finally let escape a word 'Whaaat'. 'Have you forgotten ? It's the 10 year anniversary of Ben and Miranda we've got to get ready !' Truth be told Maya had forgotten and all she could think about right now was sleeping after going to bed late the day before when she told everything to Herrerra about the test without mentioning her time with Carina that then followed. Point is, right now, she had no envy to be in the middle of a big party with doctors and firefighters.


'How do I look' the blonde girl asked as she went downstairs to pour herself coffee in the kitchen. 'Like crap. You are not seriously considering going dressed up in tee-shirt/jogging right?' she asked raising an eyebrow reading the lack of motivation on her best friend's face.

'I don't even consider going at all actually'

'That I noticed. However dear friend, you're not letting me go by myself, Boris and Jack are working so you're stuck with me for the day. Now go change for something... more appropriate.'

As she brought her mug to her mouth, Maya made her way back upstairs rolling her eyes.

'Party killer' Andy yelled to which Maya yelled back 'We both know you adore me'.


Our best friends arrived at the party in a domain the couple had rented for the day. It was already crowded with some familiar faces. They were welcomed by Ben who led them to the bar asking for three tequilas. 'I'm glad you came !' he said. 'Isn't it too early to get drunk already' Maya mentioned, getting her best friend to elbow her 'As if you mind.'

Time passed by, Bishop had just been sitting at the counter drinking waiting for Andy to finally take her home. Tough, she knew they were gonna be here for some good more hours.

'Is this a time to get drunk already ?' Maya turned her head and a gorgeous Italian girl was standing there. 'Wow' she thought to herself as the reddish dress she was wearing was featuring her curves. Her hair were on her side, she was wearing heels matching her dress and some jewelry here and there.  'That's exactly what I said' she was finally able to let out. Obviously Maya was happy Andy asked her to change, she would have looked like real, real crap in this situation.

'May I join ?' the Italian sat next to the already tipsy blonde woman as she pointed out the seat for her to take. 'So... You look nice'

'Oh come on have you seen yourself, I look absolutely stupid'

'Thanks !' the brunette said slowly, smiling softly eying her.

'What's your drug'

'My... drug ?'

'Yeah, what do you drink' Maya laughed.

'Ohh' she nodded 'I still have some troubles with the English idiom'

'You'll get used to it if you stick around a little more'

'That's my plan so far. Will you be there ?' Maya felt the need to take a strong sip of her tequila as she heard the question.

'I mean, sure. We were supposed to go grab a drink one day another, I don't see why we can't be friends. Plus I'll have to see you almost everyday at Grey Sloan so it's not like you would go unnoticed.' Carina laughed and agreed with her. 'So?'

'Oh, yes si, tequila' Maya smiled as she ordered two tequilas.

They kept talking for minutes getting to know a bit more about each other while they could before being drowned back to work and the upcoming busy days. Laughs escaping from both women who seemed to enjoy their company even more now. They realized they had so much in common and Maya even promised she would show her around as soon as she can. They talked without running out of things to say, it felt effortless. They had a real connection growing fast at Bishop's surprise. Sometimes they would become physical especially when Carina would put her hand on Maya's when talking which sent weird feelings to the blonde's body. They stared at each other's eyes with those silly smiles just like when they see each other at the hospital. From that moment Maya knew doctor Carina Deluca from Grey Sloan was the same as Carina Deluca from outside the hospital. She was fascinated by how open and shameless she was about everything. She thought Americans were prude which she kinda agreed to. She found her naturally flirtatious and she liked that, it was pretty fun

They were stopped by Arizona who called Carina out. Maya was sat there silently as she watched the two women talk. She noticed how flirtatious Carina tended to be but now it wasn't with her, it was with the other gorgeous blonde doctor. She somehow felt jealous or was it just awkwardness again, she couldn't name it. She felt something touch her shoulder which brought her out of her thoughts. It was Andrea who needed her to help carry some chairs and heavier stuffs in the main room. She got up and let Carina know she would come back. As the blonde firefighter was helping, the brunette doctor was shamelessly staring at every inch of her body without even minding Arizona's presence. She was impressed by how easily she was carrying those things she would have been incapable to.

Their eyes met a fraction of second, their look were intense but once again it didn't last as Andy started to talk to the strong blonde. 'You like her' it wasn't even a question. 'Yeah, she's kind, I think she'd be a good friend but don't worry she's nowhere near your level' Maya winked. 'No I mean, you like her, you were such in a bad mood earlier and now...'. Maya stopped. 'As... What ?' her tone was now high pitched 'No, I barely know her ! We just played basketball and had some drinks other than that we casually talk like you and I would.' 'You played what now' the best friend asked unaware of that information. She instantly regretted her words. 'Whatever you're just scared I'd prefer her but as I said it won't happen'. Herrera let out a dramatic gasp then let go of it.


Hours passed and everyone was now heading back home. 'I'll see you tomorrow at work tough girl' Carina said before leaving which caused Maya to blush.

'Tough girl huh?' Andy soon replied once the girl has left.

'Shut up' Maya was as confused as her about what was going on right now.

At home, in bed, she was lost again in her thoughts. Why did she need to see Carina soon, why would she blush around her, was the brunette just naturally playing and teasing all the time in a friendly way, was she making everything up because of Andy, how, when did this happen ? So many questions unresolved.

𓆉 Helloo there. It's a bit messy just like Maya's feelings right now. Thank you for reading.

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