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It has been a week since the ferry incident. The rest of the week was still busy for both of our women. Bishop would make round trips between the fire station, emergencies and the hospital. Sometimes she would happen to bump into Carina [not literally bumping into her like the first time tough...] and both would have silly smiles forming on their face as if these moments were the only enjoyable ones of their day.  

As for Carina, she kept an eye on Allison and would inform Maya about her recovery. They could also simply say hi to each other like they could discuss about short random subjects before quickly going back to their respective work. They didn't know each other really well but the connection between them in such a short period of time was noticed by both and well welcomed.

That day, they ran into each other when Carina decided to have a coffee break while Maya was just about to leave to 19.

- 'Hey Bishop' 

- 'Oh, hello there' the blonde replied caught unawares.

- 'How's your day going ? Allison will be discharged tomorrow by the way.'

- 'Mmh it's actually the less busy day I've had so far this week.' she chuckled. 'And wow, that's great news, I'm glad she's recovering so fast.'

- 'Do you have time for coffee ?' the brunette asked.

- ' Right now ? I don't know... I promised I would clean up'

- 'Maybe another time then' she smiled.

They never exchanged numbers or anything but they knew they'd see each other often now they've acknowledged  one another's presence.

Maya returned to 19 to Andy impatiently waiting for her.

- 'Dudeee, what took you so long, I was waiting for you to be back 10 minutes ago now you're making me late to join Boris for dinner !' Andy shouted.

- 'Ugh, come on Andy it's just 10 minutes, it's not like your date wasn't in 2 hours.' Maya was making fun of her.

- 'It takes time for a lady like me to be presentable for her boyfriend you know' she said dramatically. 

- 'I was just talking to people would you blame me now !?' 

- 'People huh ? You have friends now ??' 

- 'Oh shut up, hand me the broom.'

- 'What kind of people ?' she questioned handing her the broom. 

- 'Doctor'

- 'Oh you mean you were talking to SOMEONE. Are they hot?

- 'She and I don't know we just happened to meet a week ago, I guess she seems nice or whatever.' Maya replied annoyed by where this was going 'Aren't you late anyway ?'

- 'Not so much now' she said ironically starting to get ready to leave though 'I'm proud of you, you're growing up so fast' Andy added faking a tear escaping her eye.

- 'Go before I slap you with the floorcloth' she rolled her eyes amused.

Bishop smiled at the thought of Carina. She indeed actually really thinks they could be friends.

Meanwhile, Carina had returned to work, paged by Arizona in peds. 

- 'You paged me ?' the Italian woman asked.

- 'Yes, I needed you to check on this baby, I can't manage to figure out what's wrong with him. He has a stomach ache but nothing appears on the radio'

As they were looking for something running tests they started talking about Carina's life in Seattle. Arizona was asking how she was doing and if she liked it here. Of course Carina was very happy and mentioned how passionate she was. She let slide in the discussion the hard part of having time for herself and bounding with others which Arizona replied to 'we could go out sometimes it'd be fun'. She also mentioned meeting Maya in the way. Arizona have seen her around many times, she said she seemed to be a great firefighter but she didn't really have thoughts towards her, it feels like knowing what she is like is hard to get. Carina was actually surprised by this statement, it appeared to her that Maya Bishop was actually easy to read and easy to talk to. This caused her to lose herself in her thoughts and think she actually didn't have any way to reach out to her casually. She thought about the conversation they had earlier and she felt again like she wanted to know more about this woman over coffee sometime not matter how caught up in work they both are.

Early the next day when Maya saw Carina she apologized about the day before which didn't seem to have affected Carina. As a result to make it up to her she asked if the doctor was free that night to go grab a drink which she gladly agreed to. The blonde then asked for her number and the brunette immediately felt happier. Such a nice way to start the day and probably the beginning of a promising friendship between the two women. They both left with goodbyes and smiles waiting impatiently for the night to come.

On her way to go back to work Maya felt her phone buzz in her pocket when she checked it out she could read a text from Andrea 'Hey bub, you free tonight ? I need you to keep Station 19 while my dad is away because I have plans again...'. At the view of it she sighed and felt the dilemma building up. She didn't want to cancel her own plans she barely proposed 5 minutes ago but she didn't want to ruin it for her best friend either because she knew how important and serious Boris and her were. She took the whole morning and part of the afternoon to think about it and finally resolved herself to stay at 19 and not mention her plans to Andy to avoid the guilt. Though it was heartbreaking her to send a cancelling text to Carina she thought this was the best way. Obviously the Italian was a bit disappointed but she understood, she had work to catch up on anyway. 'Maybe another time again ;)' she politely replied. Maya smiled at that little emoji reassuring her from the last minute stand up.

The following days were as busy as a week ago, our new friends would see each other daily but never had time to bounce-back from where they last ended up their conversation. It felt somehow awkward but they kept smiling whenever their eyes met. Maya thought to herself she didn't have to feel awkward after all, it wasn't like they were best friends or anything. The time would come, just not yet.

𓆉 Hi ! It's still going slow between them, patience :) Thank you for reading.

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