Chapter 22

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I made my coffee as as I was walking back I bumped into our Aunt Sofia and her eldest daughter Leanna
"Oh my goodness. I'm so sorry." Leanna said.
"It's okay." I looked up.
"Hey Emma." Aunt Sofia said.
"Hey. Aunt Sofia." I said annoyed.
I didn't really like my aunt Sofia. She was always trying to brag about how she married a rich man and how she was beautiful, and how her daughter had straight A's which I swear she cheated because I will ask this girl a simple question and she'll give me a screwed up look.
Like Bitch I have no idea what a flying fuck your talking about.
"How are you guys doing with your parents not being here." Sofia said. Bitch. I thought.
"Oh, we're awesome." I said.
"So what brings you to Chicago?" She asked.
"We are here for the magcon tour." I happily said.
"Your brother is still making videos. Doesn't he have anything better to do with his life." She said laughing.
"Well he makes a better living than you do." I fired back.
"That is no way to talk to your beloved aunt Emma." She scolded.
Cameron came up behind me.
"We were just talking about you. You know she's never gonna graduate if you keep pulling her out of school to go on these tours." Sofia smirked.
"You should come live with us." Leanna practically screamed.
"I can't just get up and leave. I have Cameron people I care about." I said. "A perfect boyfriend." I mumbled under my breath.
"Okay well then it's settled. Your coming to live with us when you get back from your magcon. Oh and how's your Spanish. Because we don't speak
English in our house." She said.
"You do know you can't make me come and stay with you right I'm practically an adult."
"How old are you Emma, 17 right.
Well if I get the police involved then you'd have to come and live with me."
She smirked.
I grabbed another coffee and this time through it on her.
"Your a little bitch." She said.
"Damn right I am!" I said back.
I went over and sat with the rest of boys.
"What was that all about?" Matt asked.
"I'm leaving." I said.
"What?!" The boys all said together.
"Emma you don't know that." Cam said.
"I do know that. When she wants something she puts up a fight until she gets it." I said.
"When are you leaving?" Jack G asked.
"After the tour." I said.
"She can't do that." Matt said.
"Yes she can. I'm only 17."
"But do you know what lets just enjoy the time we have together. Don't worry about it. This is about you guys please don't make it about me." I said.
I got up and got a coffee I sat down next to Matt and put my head on his shoulder.
"It's gonna be okay." He said.
"I know."

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