Chapter 23

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Guys I think it gonna be Emma's POV for the rest of the story unless I change it.
Jack G and I went back up to the room to help me rehearse since the show
was tonight.
I finally decided on 'feeling good' by Nina Simone.
We ran the song a few times and I was finally ready.
I put a white and blue dress, white sandals and painted my nails Aqua.
I went downstairs and met the boys backstage.
I started to have a panic attack. I started to shake and cry.
"Emma it's gonna be okay." Jack G said.
"You don't have to do this." Matt said.
Cameron came and calmed me down.
It was finally time to go on. I went on and sang.
I finally finished and got a standing ovation from the crowd I gave Matt the microphone.
"Wuz up Chicago. I would like you to meet my girlfriend Cameron's sister. Emma Dallas!!" He said.
I laughed and waved.
The crowd roared.
"Kiss, kiss, kiss." the boys chanted.
We kissed.
The crowd screamed and clapped.
I walked off stage and watched them
do there thing I couldn't help think what Aunt Sofia would do. Would she call the cops on Cameron? Would she take me away? Would I have to live with her?
An hour later. They came off stage and went to the meet and greet. I went back upstairs and laid on the bed.
I went on my phone and glanced at my Twitter.
I had gained over 10000 followers. I scrolled through my feed and there were a lot of positive comments.
I was on Twitter for about an hour.
There was a knock on the door.
I got up and answered it.
It was just Matt.
"Don't you have a key?" I asked.
"No. The boys have gone out to dinner. I said I wasn't feeling well so I thought maybe we could-" I kissed his lips he lifted me up on his hips and threw me on the bed. We all know what happened next 😍❤️😘🙈💏💞👥😏😉

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