Chapter 49

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It was the last week of school.
I finished exams and met Matt outside.
"Wanna go out on a date?"
"Sure. Just let me get changed."
"Emma you look beautiful just the way you are."
"Let me put on some makeup."
"Emma you look much more beautiful without makeup."
"Fine lets go."

We got in his car and drove to this little cafe on the beach called Los Angeles beach café.

We went in and both grabbed coffee and a bagel.
After eating we decided to go down to the beach.

"Have you decided what your doing for college?" I asked Matt.
"I wanna be with you."
"I wanna be with you too Matt but you have to do something with your life."
"I wanna become a detective. So I can always protect you from dangerous people."
"Really Matt I can't be the only reason you wanna be come a detective."
"No your not the only reason I've always wanted to be a detective."
"So you going to the police academy."
"Yes, but it's in Malibu."
"Oh, I want you to pursue your dream don't let me stand in your way."
"But I will miss you."
"When are you leaving?"
I pulled him into a hug and kiss.
"I want you to go."
"I don't know if I can live without you for that long."
"We will make it work."
We sat down on the sand beside each other. We watched the calm waves crash on the tranquil shore.
I drifted off to sleep.
The exam scores were posted.
I looked for my name at the bottom and worked my way to the top.
There I was at the top of the list.
"Yes I'm at the top!!" I screamed.
"Congrats Emma." Matt screamed while picking me up and spinning me around. Today was a short day since graduation was tonight.

I went home and got ready.
I straightened my hair and got ready. I put the dress on and grabbed my cap.
I met Cameron downstairs.
"Look at my little graduate."
He said pulling me into a hug.
"Let's go." I said impatiently.
We got in the car and drove to the school.
I met Matt's family and we talked for awhile.

They principal called everybody and of course I was last because I got highest mark in honor roll.
"And last but not least our highest scoring student in honor roll Emma Dallas!"
I stood up and got my diploma. I walked back down to the seats and we threw our hats in the air.
I kissed Matt.
The ceremony finished and we went home.

I took off my gown and put navy blue dress, white strappy sandals diamond earrings and did a smoky eye.
I walked downstairs to Cameron and we headed out the door.

We decided to go to Casa Verde. It was calm and elegant.
"So when are you leaving for college?"
"September Cameron your still stuck with me for a whole summer."
"When's Matt leaving?"
"Yeah, he said that he'll be done in March and then he will have to go to another course here in Los Angeles and then he will be a cop."
"That's a lot."
"I know I'm gonna miss him a lot, but we will make it work."
The waiter brought us our food and we ate. It was really good everything was tender and flavourful.

We finished our food and went home.
I took off the dress and put on my pyjamas. I went and sat down beside Cameron.
"So, I'm gonna be able to call you Doctor soon."
"Yeah. Thanks for paying for my college when I get working I'll pay you back every penny."
"Emma don't worry about it your my sister if your doing something you love than its worth it."
I snuggled my head in his chest and he wrapped his arm around my waist.
I drifted off to sleep. He carried me up to bed and tucked me in.
It was Saturday 2 more days till Matt leaves for the academy.
I got up and called Matt.
"Hey Matt what are you doing today."
"Nothing. Why?"
"Do you wanna go out or something?"
"Sure. I'll be at your house in 20."

I put on a black and white tribal dress with black sandals, and the infinity bracelet. I tied my hair up with a bandanna. Keeping in mind that we might go to the beach I put a bikini on.

I waited for Matt to come.
I waved to him and he slammed his head on the steering wheel being cautious not to hit the horn. Did I not look good?
I walked over to the car.
"Do you not like my outfit?" I asked.
"Are you kidding you look hot as hell. Emma I can't do this."
"Can't do what?" I asked while getting in the car.
"Leave you your so god damn hot what if another guy comes along and you fall for him and forget about me."
"Matt I will never love anyone else more than I love you. You make me happy in ways people can't understand. I want you to go off to college and enjoy yourself. I will always be there for you."
I kissed his lips and we drove off.
"We are going down to the beach."
"I'm glad I wore my bikini."
"I'm glad to." He smirked
We got to the beach and laid down on a towel.
"I'm gonna miss you."
"I'm gonna miss you more." I replied.
"Just think when we finish school you might be Mrs. Espinosa." He said wiggling his eyebrows.
"I would enjoy that."
We sat on the beach for the rest of the day.
We sat and watched the sunset.
I fell asleep on his shoulder.
He picked me up and brought me to the car.
"Matt where are you taking me."
"Your house or my house."
"Your house."
He gently put me in the car and he drove home.
He took me out of the car and brought me to my front door.
Cameron opened the door and took me from Matt. I pecked Matt on the cheek and Cameron took me to my room.
I drifted off into a deep peaceful sleep.

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