Chapter 37

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I woke up and put some clothes on and got ready for school.
I walked downstairs and suprisingly Cameron wasn't there.
"Weird?" I mumbled.
I left a note on the counter and walked to school.
I was half way there when Max and a few other boys drove up beside me.
"Yo sex kitten wanna ride it will be unforgettable."
Kat ran up beside me.
"Yo babes get in the car."
"Fuck off." I screamed.
"Excuse me I will not be disrespected like that." He stopped the car and got out. We started to run.
Max came up behind me and grabbed me.
"Kat call the police and Matt!"
"You stupid bitch. The police or Matt aren't gonna save you now."
"Get off me."
"Excuse me."
"Get the mother fuckin off me."
"Or what."
I elbowed him in the chest and punched him in the nose and kicked him in the ribs I kept punching him and kicking him until he was
Unconscious. I stood up and the other guys were half way down the street.
The cops quickly came.
"Ms. Dallas your under arrest for assault."
"Wait! What."
They put me in the cop car and called an ambulance.
They drove me down to the precinct where I met sergeant Voight and the rest of the intelligence unit.
"Why did you do it?" Voight asked.
"What did he tell you."
"That you started punching him for no reason." Lindsey said.
"You really believe that."
"That's why your here." Halstead said.
"I was walking to school. He pulled up with his gang and started hollering at me. I told him to fuck off. He got out of the car and grabbed me I told my friend to call the cops. Then I punched him and kicked him until he couldn't hurt me."
"Well his family is pressing charges." Dawson said.
"This doesn't make any sense. He rapes
me and he walks. I punch him and I get punished for it."
"I'm sorry Emma." Ruzak replied.
"Whatever just take me to my cell. When can I leave I have a cheer audition tonight that I can't be late for."
"When someone comes and bails you out." Atwater said.

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