Chapter 34

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Emma's P.O.V
It had gotten late and the boys except for Matt had left.
Cameron ordered pizza and we were now eating.
I hesitantly grabbed a slice and slowly ate it. I finished that slice and laid across Matt and Cameron. Matt being at my head and Cameron at my feet.
I grabbed on to Matt's waist and fell asleep. I woke up the next day at 5am in the same position I was last night on Matt and Cameron.
I quietly got up and put some pjs on and hopped in bed.
Later, I woke up and went downstairs and saw Matt and Cameron eating bacon and eggs.
"Morning Emma." Cam said.
"Morning babe." Matt said.
"Morning Cam, morning baby," I said.
I sat down next to Matt and stole a piece of his bacon.
"Hey! Get your own." Matt yelled.
"Why should I get my own when I have yours." I replied.
Cameron handed me a plate. I started eating.
I finished my breakfast and got dressed.
"Emma I'm going out!" Cameron yelled.
Matt came into my room and saw me half naked.
He grabbed my hips and started leaving little kisses around my body.
"Not today just lay with me."

3:00 pm.
I woke up next to Matt. Cameron hadn't come home yet so we were alone.
I wrapped my arms around his waist and nuzzled my head in his chest.
I looked at his beautiful face.
"Baby, I know I'm beautiful, please stop staring."
"Confident aren't we."
I rolled out of bed and went for a shower.
"Babe can you grab me a towel!" I screamed.
"It's out here come and get it."
"Matty just hand it to me."
"Come and get it."
I walked out and found the towel. I wrapped it around myself and dried myself off. I found some clothes and decided to put on a white tribal elephant tank, white high rise shorts, my skate vans and flower earrings. If decided to wear my hair in a ponytail.
"Will you go on a date with me."
"When?" I asked.
"Tonight 6:00"
"Sounds good." I said.
"What do you want to do today?"
"Nothing. Why did you wanna do something today Matty."
"No. But I've got to go home and get ready for our date."
"Bye babe"
"Bye Emmy."

930 reads wtf. Sorry this is a really shitty chapter. Extreme writers block.
Love u baes

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