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"How's flirting with Lia? I heard from Ryeongie that you ate lunch together, yesterday?" Yeji said. "Damn, girl you've just arrive yet you're thinking about the gossips already?." I said. "Girl, it's Lia we are talking about, the same Lia that is 'your style' I can't just let that tea slip away." Yeji barked back. "Oh, please. Give me a break! besides I already told you guys that Somi is the person that I like, not Lia. We are doing shit like flirting for the sake of the exemption." I explain to her.

"Oh Okay! But just so you know "flirting" with her might make you realize things that you would never consider, if it wasn't for that "pop quiz exemption" Ryujin." Yeji sarcastically said. "Pssh! Yeji-ah I have ONE word for you, 'SO-MI' You get it?" I tried explaining. "I have one for you too" she faked a smile. "STRAIGHT" She said then immediately run away from me.

"Tell Chaeryeong I'll see you guys after class! I have to do script stuffs... yeah! Byeee" She yelled as she's getting away from me. Tss the audacity- kidding! I love my girls, it's just that sometimes they kinda annoy me, especially Yuna... Shin Yuna *eurgh* she's such a brat.


"Hey! Look who's finally here after being late for 10 minutes!!" Chaeryeong said, trying to make fun of me infront of our members. "Yeah, it's me— surprise, surprise!" I said, I went to the chair beside Ryeongie when she suddenly glared at me. "What do you think you are doing?" She ask. "Girl, chill. I was just trying to take a seat." I said.

"Go sit beside Lia. How can you guys be close if you won't even feel each other's presence." She said. "Jisung! Come here sit beside Momma!" Seungmin said telling Jisung to move, because he is the one who is sitting beside Lia. "Let's start! Script reading first." Jisung said excitedly.

The script reading was going well, we actors sometimes give our feedbacks on the script, revise some a bit. It still isn't perfect but we are making a progress. Unexpectedly, Lia is a great voice actor, she has the right tones and emotions. She's quiet and emotionless in real life but now you can really hear emotions from just her voice.

Yena... I didn't really give much attention to her- just kidding! She did great, her role is perfect. The overly energetic friend who maked everything that is happening in the friend group fun and interesting. She's doing a great job too! Me, on the other hand. I don't know, I'm supposed to be the 'shy' one who rarely shows emotion. I am quiet like that in real life so it's pretty easy to do. No acting needed!

"Okay! That's pretty good, for the first day of practice. We're going to revise some stuffs and I'll see you guys tomorrow. We'll send the copy of the script via chat!! Thank you for coming." Chaeryeong said as the practice ended. "Btw, Ryu! I'll work on the script with this two, for a bit. Tell Yeji to go home already, oh wait! Yuna. She ask me to fetch her, can you guys do that?"

"Okay! I'll tell Yeji to fetch Yuna and they can go home together." I said to her, I hung one strap of my bag on my shoulder getting ready to go. "Where are you going?" She asked. "Well, I was thinking about hanging out with Lia, you know 'bOnD! RyUjIn, FliRt! Be ClOsE wItH EaCh oThEr' type of thing." I said mocking her. "Good for you." Chae answered back with her fake smile. Pssh. I swear to GOD!

"Julia! Wait!" I said as I catched up on her. "Were you going home?" I asked, I was trying to catch my breath after jogging towards her. "Oh gosh. s-sorry I- haven't... done exercise for... quite- a while now." I think I'm gonna passed out, now isn't the right time, Ryujin. Not in front of some girl in your class, she might think you are weird. "Hey! Breath slow. inhale... exhale... I have some water if you like." She said.

She started going over her stuffs inside her backpack, later on she pulled out her sky blue water tumbler. She handed it to me and drag me into a place where we can sit. "You could have just yelled my name and told me to stop." She said in concern as we sat on an elevated concrete flooring. I just giggled shyly. I don't know what to say, she seems pretty caring tho, even if her face is always blank.

"Choi Lia is concerned about me?!?!" I said with a shocked expression, obviously as a joke. She glared at me because of it. I chuckled awkwardly, "I'm jusk joking, Jules. Don't kill me with your stare." I said nervously. "Oh sorry... I didn't mean to- you know sometimes my eyes look mad or whatever even though I'm not really mad." She explained. "It's okay!" I reassured her.

"Btw... Coffee date?" I asked as I finish her water. "Shin Ryujinnie is asking me for a coffee date?!?!?" She said, mocking me. "Pfft- now, now. So date or nah?" I said as I stood up from the concrete floor and turn to her. "Yeah, sure. Your treat?" She said while being all smiley. "I- was it a written agreement that it's always me who treats you whenever we hangout?" I said. "Yup! Basically." She said as she swings her arm around my shoulders once she stood up.

"Let's go bOnD like what our leader said." She said while laughing. We walk side by side as we exited our campus and head to the nearest coffee shop that we can go to.


"I have a proposal!" I said as I placed my cup of iced coffee on the table. Lia looked at me with her mouth full of croissants. "Vhut?" She asked. I giggled at her silliness. "Finish your bread first and I'll talk." I said. She nodded and chewed her food immediately. "What now?" She said as soon as she finished it. "Let's have a name for each other, like we should call each other some endearment?" I said. She look at me confused.

"I don't think it's necessary, and besides you already call me 'Jules/Julia' while I call you 'Ryujinnie' I think that's fine already." She said. "Well- uhm... you are right. Yeah, you are right. Why did I even think of that?!" I said, more like to myself but I think it was heard by Lia. "But- you said we should take this slow, so I was thinking... why not talk about some random stuffs about each other so we can get comfortable" she said.

"And also we should be in character! You should talk to me with confidence and I'd talk to you normally. Talk to me about yourself but be confident. Don't be shy, that's like your role, you need to get use to it." I added to her statement. "I-" she was about to protest but I stopped her. "Hey! You want this exemption or not?" I said, she sighed in defeat. "Okay! But let's start that in character mode tomorrow, for now Imma just be the shy me, okay?" She said.

"Yeah! Deal. Im also shy- just so you know. I'm just comfortable talking to you and I don't even know why. Maybe because I feel like we have the same vibe and how we react to things? Like you are shy and me also, we don't really talk to anyone, we don't even participate in class but we have decent grades..."

"You know sometimes I can see myself in you... just more quiet and laid back in a way." I added. "Oh so are we going to say our impressions now? Okay my turn! I didn't really think that you would even notice me. I actually notice you a lot of times, like everytime you walk by me and I was really shocked when Chaeryeong pushed you. I actually panicked." She said laughing.

"But yeah! I think you are cool and we are cool." She added. I smiled at her little story telling about what she thinks about me. "I also think we are cool." I said and gave her a smile.

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