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Performance day~ kinda nervous. The class is arranged by groups so I'm sitting here beside Lia. I can feel my palms starting to sweat and get cold. god, you got me right? "Everyone please stay quiet as we watch other groups performance or videos." The teacher said before she started to play one of the group's video presentation.

After the presentation of the first four groups,  it is now our turn to present and I'm so nervous. I don't wannna see myself infront of the TV screen, it's so cringey. Honestly, I'd rather die. "Lia we're next! Sh*t I wanna die!" I whispered to her. "Calm down I'm anxious too. Let's just cover each other's eyes whenever it's cringey." She said. "Chaeryeong's group, you may proceed." The teacher said, Ryeong went infront of the class to present our video.

"Okay here lies our dignity, Liaaaa" I said getting very very anxious. Chaeryoeng played the video and shockingly I felt Lia slip her hands on mine.

{Author: okay first of all, I was planing on editing this into a real video so you can visualize their performance but unfortunately I don't have extra time, so here's the script I have written for the mean time. I'll edit the video whenever I have the time and make sure to publish it so you can see.)

Video Performance

Scene 01

L: Hey, be careful...
R: be careful of what?
L: you might fall... fall for me.
Y: sheeesh! Damn, Jules when did you become so smooth!!

*Ryu secretly blushes because of Jules*

Scene 02

(While eating powdered sugar coated donuts)
R: Jules! *pouting her lips that was covered in powdered sugar*
L: you want me to kiss those sugar away? *pouting her lips as she lean closer to Ryu jokingly*
Y: Yaaah I'm here too~ Ryu come, I'll remove those for you. *join the pouting duo*

Scene 03

Y: I have some biology classes, where you guys headed to?
L: Ryu and I have some chemistry to attend to, right? *putting her arm around Ryu's shoulder*
R: Y-yeah... chemistry.
Y: Ew, chemistry? Oh well, okay see you guys later!

Scene 04

Y: See you later ladies, your cutie friend is out!
R: See you, Yeye!
L: where's my kiss? Yeye! Comeback! Give me some kiss!

*Yeye ran faster than ever. The two laughed then stopped and stare into each other's eyes.*

Scene 05

L: Ryu baby, what are you doing?
R: Jules I need to go... *stood from here seat and walked out*
Y: what happened to her?
L: Yeye answer me honestly, am I acting too much? *Jules being sad that Ryu just walked out, but also getting an idea as to why Ryujin is acting that way*
Y: No. why would you think that?

Ryu is starting to fall for her friend so she started to distance herself to avoid falling even more... Jules on the other hand denying the fact that she knows why Ryu is acting that way.

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