Chapter 10

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"Ryujin is the type of girl who is not afraid of rejection...."

"She's probably just planning her move but she will definitely do it...."

"I say you should let her know your feelings before it's too late...."

Lia kept hearing those exact words that Ryujin's mom told her that day, she took every piece of advice that was given to her into consideration but it was her own will that was stopping her from confessing to the girl. She simply doesn't want their friendship to end or even change any bit, she's too attached that even spending an hour without talking to Ryujin would ruin her entire day, what more if the latter avoid her.

Although she rarely see Somi anywhere near Ryujin at school, she believe that it wasn't the case back at Shin's residence and that thought just makes her mad. A part of her wants to ask Ryujin if she could just spend the rest of the day at her house so she could watch over Somi but the other half of her doesn't want to be too clingy and needy towards Ryujin. For now she will just settle on her time with her throughout the school hours, plus she has a new gang, now that she's a part of Ryujin's friends group.

"Lia, bestie you've been staring at Ryujin for minutes now. I'm starting to think that you have a crush on her," Chaeryeong said grabbing Lia's attention. Her eyes have been following Ryujin who has been walking back and forth in circles for some time now.

"I just zoned out, besides she's been doing that for so long I find it quite entertaining," the older said, which was half true because in reality she's actually admiring Ryujin and she did happen to zone out in the middle of it.

"What is she up to anyways?" Yeji said, who has also been watching Ryujin circling around the room. "She has been looking at her phone too," Yuna added. It was rare for them to see their friend act this way, especially when Ryujin is most known for her unbotheredness.

"Ryujin-ssi, you are making us dizzy, stop juseyo," Yeji yelled to grab the girl's attention. "Oh, mianhae" Ryujin apologized bowing at the four, she felt bad for making them watch her circle around. "You okay?" Lia then asked in concern which led into Ryujin making a pout that soon turns into a baby-like whiny face.

"I have to meet someone from my childhood!!" Ryujin cried out. "Wait... don't tell me it's-" Yuna gasped. "Wait really?!?!" Yeji jolted. "Shit. will you two really meet after 6 years??" Chaeryeong exclaimed. "Guys, just so it's clear, I am also here. I don't have a single clue about what you guys are talking about." The second oldest said.

"I'm going to meet a childhood friend, whose mother... likes me so much to the point that she's been telling the 5 year old me that I am perfect for her kid." Ryujin said slumping beside Lia. "Which is very traumatizing, of course. Imagine having a middle age lady asking you to marry their son? I didn't even know what that word was at that time." She added.

"And yet here you are all grown up and gay now. You should tell that lady that you like girls now, maybe she'll stop pairing you with her son." Lia said laughing lightly as she made a joke. "That's a great idea! Tho I think she would still push me to his son even after I tell her I'm gay." The problematic girl whined.

she's fine with meeting this childhood friend of hers but his mom really was a pain in her ass during all those years. She's been tailing Ryujin around since the latter was 5 and the only thing that stopped that old crazy lady was when they have moved into a new city when Ryujin was in 5th grade.

"Are you gonna meet them tonight?" The oldest asked which Ryujin replied to with a nod. "Do you want us to come?" Chaeryeong offered. "Do you guys want to?" she asked back.

"I have something to do tonight" Yuna said in regret. "I am sorry but I'm also busy today." Yeji spoke. "I don't think I alone would be any help but... maybe Lia would, maybe you could tell Mrs. Lee that Lia is your girlfriend" Chae suggested.

"I don't think that would work," Lia said in all honesty. "You should at least try, maybe she'll get shy with you there." Yeji figured. Ryujin turned to Lia, her high hopes came crumbling down to the ground when she saw the latter's hesitant reaction. "NO. I can't." Lia said.


"I am really glad that you accepted my mother's  invitation." The childhood friend said as they stroll the town under the midnight sky. "No worries, I'm not busy at all," Ryujin said, pursing her lips to prevent any of her thoughts from slipping out of her mouth. 'it's not like I have any other choice.' she said to herself.

"I know my mom has been hard on you ever since we were kids, she keeps on pushing us with the "getting-together marrying" stuffs. I'm just really happy to see you again after a long time." Ryujin was also glad to meet an old friend but she knows his feelings for her.

She enjoy the guy's company a lot and she really like hanging out with him but it was nothing more than a friendship. He was her bestfriend back then, he might have not directly say it to her but she knows what was going on, she knows him too well.

Ryujin stopped her tracks under the big tree they used to play around. she took this chance to look at her old friend's face while thinking about the memories they spent together as kids,

"listen Felix, I know you like me- LIKED me or whatever. But I really need to get this off so I won't lead you on, okay. I see you as a friend, nothing more, nothing less. We knew each other since we were kids so I treat you almost as a family, a brother, that's how much I appreciate you." She didn't want to upset him for his feelings, it was no one's fault. You can't choose the person you'll fall in love with.

"I know that, Ryuddaeng. That's why I wanted to talk to you, I want to let this thing go. You are also like a sister to me, I want what is best for you but I can't promise to get this thing off that quick." He smiled genuinely.

"Did you know that I was the one who called you Ryuddaeng? I made that name for you and Yeji heard it from me when I was talking to myself about you, so when she saw you walking towards us she called you by that name just to tease me." He laughed reminiscing back to the good old days he had with the four.

"That's why you were so red that time! oh my, I remember it! Yeji is such a tease back then." Ryujin said smiling at her memories. "She was. Chaeryeong was the savage one yet so innocent at the same time, it's like those mouth of her has its own mind. Yuna was that kid who was always nosy, she can't leave the four of us alone, although she's the youngest she's the fighter of the group." both of them chuckled as Felix started to describe their past.

"You were the muscle of the group. Everytime one of us gets in trouble you were always there to take the punishment for us." Ryujin added to that. "I am! and most of the punishments were yours, you are such a troublemaker as a kid, you were so glammed up, dressed in such fancy dresses yet you climb up trees, roll on muds, and play with frogs."

"Hey! It was actually fun, you guys were just too scared to play with me." the latter said justifying her acts. "What a bunch of Chickens!" She added teasing the other. she stormed away from him as soon as possible, running as fast as she could. she missed the childhood they had, pure happiness.

Once Felix finally catch up to her she stopped and look at him. "Honestly, this night was better than what I expected." She utter, "It is nice. Let's get the gang back soon don't you think?" He suggested. "Sure! I would also like you to meet our new friend, you'd like her a lot." Ryujin said all giddy as they continue to run in the middle of the night.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2021 ⏰

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