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Hello! sorry for not updating in weeks. no like to me years....



Hacci joined Facebook


Pucci joined Facebook


Yoona Heartfillia joined Facebook


Hacci: Ohayo!

Pucci: Hello!

Yoona Heartfillia: I heard Lucy was here?

Natsu Dragneel: Yeah! Want do you want with Lucy? And why do you have the same last name as her?

Lucy Heartfillia: YOONA!!! WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN!!!

Yoona Heartfillia: OH, I heard you were in a guild so I tracked you down

Lucy Heartfillia: No I said--- let's just talk in private...


Lucy Heartfillia --->inboxes<--- Yoona Heartfillia So where have you been, why did you flee like that?

Yoona Heartfillia --->inboxes<--- Lucy Heartfillia Its private, no can do sis, she said not to tell anyone...

Lucy Heartfillia --->inboxes<--- Yooona Hearfillia Who is 'she'?

Yoona Heartfillia --->inboxes<--- Lucy Heartfillia I said no can do... End of coversation sis...


Mirajane Strauss: OK, Hacci where do you want your stamp? You too Pucci?

Hacci: I want mine to be blue, on my neck please.

Pucci: I want mine to be red, on my neck too please.

Hacci: Wait isn't mine supposed to Red????

Pucci: Mine blue??????

Hacci: I'll keep mine blue....

Mirajane Strauss: Ok, blue for Hacci and red for Pucci?

Pucci: NOOOOO........ wait a minute.... I mean YESSSS!!!

MIrajane Strauss: What about you Yoona?

Yoona Heartfillia: I want mine exactly like Lucy's please

Mirajane Strauss: Yup coming right away!!


Mirajane Strauss: OC's we have a meeting held by Ayame!


Ayame Yamamoto joined Facebook


Ayame Yamamoto: Ok, are all the Oc's here?

Jenna Yuki: Yup! Jenna at your service!

Sonara Kukuzuki: Sonara here!

Alyanna: Yo cousin!

Kyle Parker: Hi Ayame, your butler at your service!

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