Ch. 1 First day at Facebook

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Gray Fulbuster: Ok... This Facebook thing is kinda new for me....
Lucy Heartfillia, Levi McGarden and 8 others liked this.

Levi McGarden: This internet, this Facebook, it is so fascinating.
400 people liked this.

Lucy Heartfillia: Levi everything is fascinating to you...
Mirajane Strauss and 3 others liked this.

Mirajane Strauss: Anyone up for a smoothie?
Lucy Heartfillia and 20 others liked this.

Private Chatroom
*Lucy Heartfillia
*Levi McGarden
*Mirajane Strauss

Lucy Heartfillia: So, Private Chatroom, wow! Thx Levi!

Levi McGarden: No problem Lucy, it's only allowed 3 persons or more! ^.~

Mirajane Strauss: Lucy, I think it's time to show your contraption... >.<

Levi McGarden: EHH!! what? Where?

Lucy Heartfillia: Ehehe its on the table over there, in that box...

Levi McGarden: I'll see you later!!! *runs to the box, opens it, gets hit with pie*

Lucy Heartfillia: Ahahahahahah!!!!

Levi McGarden: Lusheee... Oh Lusheee. *gone crazy*

Lucy Hearfillia: Oh crap! Gotta run see you Mira!

Mirajane Strauss: Have a nice trip! And make sure to get some smoothies!!!

Lucy Heartfillia and Levi McGarden left the Private Chatroom

Mirajane Strauss: Oh these kids!

Mirajane Strauss has left the Private Chatroom


Natsu Dragneel: I just found out there is a thing called a Private Chatroom.
Levi McGarden, Lucy Heartfillia and 63 others liked this.

Mirajane Strauss: It's wonderful, don't you want to try it?
Levi McGarden and 4 others liked this.

Natsu Dragneel: uhhh... sure!
Lucy Heartfillia liked this.

Private Chatroom
*Mirajane Strauss
*Natsu Dragneel
*Gray Fullbuster
*Erza Scarlet

Natsu Dragneel: MIRA WHY DID YOU PUT ICE PERVERT AND... and..... The... The red head!!!!


Mirajane Strauss: Quiet down now please, free smoothies are up!

Erza Scarlet: NATSU, GRAY YOU HAVE THE GUTS TO CALL ME THAT, HUH?! *hits each other on the head*

Natsu Dragneel, Gray Fullbuster and Erza Scarlet left the Private Chatroom

Mirajane Strauss: Oh my, oh my, teenagers these days *sighs*

Mirajane Strauss has left the Private Chatroom


Wendy Marvell: Everything is changing in Facebook lately
Levi McGarden and 2 others liked this.

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