Ch. 13 Jaimee's Birthday

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As you have known Jaimee hasn't been on the book for quite some time, well that's because I forgot... I am truly sorry jaimeechan5 but.... this chapter is dedicated to them! It's Jaimee's birthday, I know it's a bit sudden... but you know......


Levy joined Facebook


Levy McGarden: I haven't been on Facebook for ages

Lucy Heartfillia: I thought you were the technological person whatever that is....

Levy McGarden: I AM!!!!

Lucy Heartfillia: OK... OK... goodness me... So what have you been doing?!

Levy McGarden: Oh I've been doing some stuff, in secrecy...

Lucy Heartfillia: OK... my eggs are burning see ya!


-*-Event Planer*-*

Mirajane Strauss = Mira
Natsu Dragneel = Natsu
Gray Fullbuster = Gray
Erza Scarlett = Erza
Wendy Marvell = Wendy
Juvia Loxar = Juvia
Lucy Heartfillia = Lucy


Gray: OK.... so why are we here now... again....

Mira: Because i have a plan

Lucy: Its not a prank isn't it...

Mira: No its not a prank, so tomorrow is Jaimee's Birthday... and Jaimee hasn't been on Facebook for long

Natsu: OK... So what do we do?

Erza: We can surprise her?

Lucy: We should not like prank her, but make a trail to the guild....

Juvia: Juvia suggests that we should decorate the guild!

Mira: So we need decorations, food and presents. I'll handle the food but i'll need a helper..

Lucy: I'll help you Mira!

Mira: OK so Lucy and Me are on food, Erza, Juvia, wendy and Levy would do presents and the others would have to decorate the guild!

Erza Scarlett: OK lets get to work!

-*-End Of Planning*-*


While everything is in its place, Jaimee comes to the guild to find it dark and empty.

"I think they all left.... and forgot my birthday.."

"SURPRISE!!!!" Jaimee fell down in surprise,

"A gomen..." Mira apologized, Jaimee was happy crying tears of joy.

"Here i was spending a lot of time to find these!" Levy passed her 6 boxes, she opened it to reveal.

-A Mac book Pro (lol)
-The Latest Apple IPhone
-The Latest Samsung phone
-A Tablet and the latest Camera
-The Latest IPad and IPad Mini
-And all the chargers, including headphones and earphones

"Waaaa! NANIII!!! LEVY YOU DIDN'T GIVE US ONE!!!" Shouted the guild

"I will you idiots, I'm giving it to her early because its her birthday!" Snapped Levy

"Arigato!!!" Jaimee hugged Levy,

"OK! A birthday isn't a Birthday without the food and the party!" Shouted Mira, everyone cheered and started parting all night long...

The End

Author: Jaimee, Levy welcome back! So Jaime and Levy ending...

Levy: Don't you have to explain something....

Author: Oh yes... *ahem* OK, so i'm not really having a lot of followers, which is a problem for me, i wish you could cooperate with me and like, click that follow box, you know that box yeah so 60 or 65 is fine.. OK? OK!

Levy: Yeah.... OK So the author of course doesn't own FairyTail, Hiro Mashima does.... but if she were the one who made it, well theres all lot of things she could do.

Jaimee: So please..






Author: Sorry its a little short, OK moving on to our next show MKR!!
See ya! *waddles out of the studio*


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