Ch. 15 Anime (part 1)

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Sup sorry for not updating a real chapter and yeah it really hard, and I'm kinda stressed... (halftrue) please Im sorry but cope with it...


Ayame Yamamoto joined Facebook


Ayame Yamamoto: Sup!

Lucy Heartfillia: Hello Ayame-San~

Ayame Yamamoto: Is there something wrong with you??

Lucy Heartfillia: I just found out the new episode of Fruits Basket.

Ayame Yamamoto: I never knew you were into anime....

Lucy Heartfillia: Do you want to watch with me?

Ayame Yamamoto: No thanks, I've already watched the whole series ... (A/N True I have watched the whole thing)


Ayame Yamamoto: Ohayo minna!!

Jenna Yuki: Ohayσ Ayame

Sonara Kukuzuki; Hi

Yoona Heartfillia: Do you know where my sister is?

Ayame Yamamoto: She's in her room, watching Fruits Basket...

Yoona Heartfillia: LUCY!!! Im coming to watch, hoω come you never told me!!!!!????

Ayame Yamamoto; Is there like an Anime season?

Levy McGarden: Anime season is untill next week....

Ayame Yamamoto: Oh... What?

Sonara Kukuzuki: Me and Jenna don't really know what to watch....

Ayame Yamamoto: There's a lot that you could watch, I've watched a couple of anime's...

Jenna Yuki: Sonara, lets go to the anime store!

Ayame Yamamoto: See ya!

Levy McGarden; I'll see you, I'm going to contining 'No Game No Life' too

Ayame Yamamoto: OK sure....


Author: Sorry it's so shooooooort because I have many things to do please forgive me....
and try to follow me!

Levy: Yah and, and, and she is making a new book called 'Fanfictions you MUST read!'

Lucy: I should have WATTPAD too.,,

Author: Please follow Otaku_Royals and yeah see you!

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