Book Recommendation

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So every once in a while I'll make book recommendations!!!

Btw the picture is Kyle Parker, GeekStorm don't complain!

So I recommend this book to people who know the anime 'Naruto' if you don't, don't bother...

So the author is simranmomin and my three books from her are

•Book 1: Where I belong
•Book 2: Belonging in the Naruto World
•Book 3: Belonging in the Naruto Shippuden World

So type the name simranmomin or any of those books in the search box!!!...

So don't be mad, because I like Fanfiction books with my known anime's, and with little romance, good fighting scenes and some embarrassing moments hehehe lol. I don't really like those sappy love story's, and really cheesy parts that I can predict really well, lol so yeah...

Also Anime's I watch/watched:

•FairyTail (of corse)
•Naruto/Naruto Shipudden
•Prince of Tennis
•Romeo x Juliet
•Soul Eater
•Attack on Titan or Shingeki no Kyojin I think
•Mew Mew power
•Vampire Knight
And more......

I kinda call myself an otaku but I don't have a room full of posters and figures and manga's, I don't even have my own computer yet, the reason is that I'm too young, I'm only in Yr 6. And for otaku people out there, I suggest you people rock in your own way!!!


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