Ch. 5 Rouge + 1D?????!!!!!

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lol, Rouge and One Direction

Lucy Heartfillia joined Facebook


Mirajane Strauss: Welcome guys!!! We have a new member in FairyTail now!!!
• Lucy Heartfillia liked this •

Lucy Heartfillia: So Mira, who is it?
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Mirajane Struass: It's our new member, Kyle Parker!!!
• 3mins • No one liked this •

Kyle Parker: Oh u-um hi?!
• 5mins • No one liked this •

Private Chatroom
*Kyle Parker
*Lucy Heartfilia
*Mirajane Struass
*Romeo Conbolt
*Wendy Marvell

Wendy Marvell: Why are we here?

Romeo Conbolt: KYLE!!!!! WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN THESE YEARS???!?!!!!!

Mirajane Strauss: Remember I know everything,,,, hehehe

Wendy Marvell: Please excuse me, I'll be leaving

Wendy Marvel has left the Private Chatroom

Kyle Parker: All the girls have been rejecting me lately, so I moved here to catch a few girls ^.~

Lucy Heartfillia: Umm I too will be leaving, bye Mira!! (^.^")

Lucy Heartfillia has left the Private Chatroom

Romeo Conbolt: So, so, so, I have something to show you Kylieeeee, come over to my house soonnnnnn!!!!

Kyle Parker: Yeah, yeh!

Romeo Conbolt and Kyle Parker has left the Private Chatroom.

Mirajane Strauss: Hmm, maybe this is harder then before.... Hehehe I call this.... forbidden love

Mirajane Struass has left the Private Chatroom.


Sting Eucliffe joined Facebook


Rouge Cheney joined Facebook


Sting Eculiffe: Living with Rough is now turned into living Hell,

Lucy Heartfillia: Why?

Sting Eculiffe: I'll show you... *grabs radio and plays 'Best song ever' by 1D*

Rouge Cheney: *Grabs radio and sings badly*

Sting Eculiffe: That's what I mean... it's like he's gone gay or something...

Rouge Cheney: BEST SONG EVER!!!!

Alyanna: ITS MY FAAVE SONG!!!!! *sings and dances with Rouge*

Erza Scarlett: I'm leaving see you...



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