Chapter 17

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The pair laughed, looking down, both smiling.

"Come here." Yachi smiled and held her arms out, kenma laying his head on her shoulder and smiling as Yachi wrapped her arms around him. He felt her shake slightly, and he looked up at her blushing face.

"You don't have to be scared, I won't bite."

"Mhm." Yachi nodded.

"I mean unless you want me to." He joked and smiled.

"I-do-maybe- no I'm fine, thank you."



Kenma laid his head back down on her chest, smiling again as Yachi leaned down, her head gently touching kenma's hair.

"What was that you said before, about never touching a girl before?"

"It- I- it was nothing."

"You've never been in a relationship?"

"I- no..."

"That's surprising."

"No it's not, I don't have friends, you think I have a girlfriend?"

"Oh- oh my god I'm sorry I didn't mean to-"

"Nono it's ok, I'm not angry or anything."

"Oh good."


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