Chapter 7: Something Fishy

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Hello, my readers! I apologize again for not posting for the past year! I have been busy with school, life, and my relationship. It's been more than a little hectic. But, now that I'm out of school for the summer, I will be posting much more frequently. I hope that you enjoy this chapter!

Marcus' POV

Mr. Rowane came to check on us not five minutes after our discussion. Good thing Talia got to work when she did. I know we would both hate to be on that guy's wrong side. *shiver* Right at 3:30, Talia says a quick goodbye and rushes out of the classroom. I don't think a girl's ever run from me fast enough. Alright then.

Talking with Talia went better than expected. I thought she would have freaked out or denied it all, but she embraced it and asked questions. There's something she's not telling me, though. Although to be fair, I'm not telling her everything either. I need to find out what that Anthony comment was really about. I have this gut feeling that something isn't right, and my gut feelings are always right. 

As I'm walking out of the classroom, I'm pulled aside again into a narrow corridor. "You have got to stop doing that!" I chastise her.

"I'm sorry. I just know that people are still milling around the school, and I don't want others to overhear our conversation," Zoe responds.

"Okkayyy. But, couldn't we just talk at home? School's over. We can have this conversation without having to whisper in a dingy old corridor," I tell her with raised eyebrows. She's silent for a moment in which I assume she's thinking through my words.

"I hadn't thought of that," she huffs out. I begin laughing, only to cover it with a cough. I can practically feel her glare on me.

"Let's head back," I chuckle, trying and failing to keep the smile off of my face.

*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  

We get back to the house in one piece, barely.  I lunged to strangle Zoe about four times, having to be pulled back by my brother every time. He continuously told me I couldn't strangle our cousin for making comments about my Ali. She was just trying to get on my last nerve like she usually does. Unfortunately, it was working a little too well. 

"Come on, you know I don't mean it. She actually seems really nice. In fact, I think that we're going to be very good friends," Zoe comments. I can practically hear the smile in her voice.

"Oh no, you don't! The last thing I need is for you and her to become friends. That is too much chaos, at least on your part," I tell her. 

"I am not that chaotic!" she argues. Camden butts in.

"You're a little chaotic," he agrees. All I hear is an exasperated sigh and hands slapping against thighs. I'm guessing she threw her hands up in the air. It seems like something she would do. My mind wanders back to my Ali media. She seems smart and funny, and kind, and a little sarcastic. She's perfect. I want to get to know her more. Maybe I can try to become friends with her first and then ease into a relationship. That sounds like something someone normal would do. Except you're not normal, a little voice in the back of my head whispers. It's right. I'm not normal, but I have to try to act like it for her. The last thing I need is to scare her off. 

Before I know it, I feel the car pulling into the driveway. I step out of the car and speed into the house. I'm just a little excited to tell my parents about my Ali media. I don't make it two steps into the house before I'm being tackled in a hug. 

"Marcus, how was your day?" my mom asks. I don't even get a chance to answer before she blurts out, "You met your Ali media?!"

"Mom, what have I told you about reading my mind?" I reprimand her. My mom has the ability of telepathy, telekinesis, and flying. She's a total badass. 

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