3. men & vices

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I'm super for the lack of updates and the super short filler chapter. I know I promised all my Dirty Gold fans an update, but life and school got in the way. I've been trying to force myself to study more than normal but you guys do deserve an update for being so patient with me.

An update in Dirty Gold is coming sooner than you think ;) For now the picture on the side is Harvey who acts as Colton Haynes .

Power is always dangerous. Power attracts the worst and corrupts the best.

                                                                                                                                               -Edward Abbey

"You really shouldn't be doing this Harvey." Alex stated taking off her shirt. I tried to focus on her full bosoms held firmly by a blue Hello Kitty bra hoping that it would distract me for the time being. I sighed holding her waist to my body "I know."

It had been almost an hour and a half since my confrontation with Oliver. I got home barely addressing anyone and decided to turn to one of my most reliable outlets: sex.

She tilted her head the left allowing me to place several kisses down to her collarbone but not hard enough to bruise. From the first time we slept together, I realized that it was a rather unspoken rule about her. No visible marks meant no visible commitment.

Today she seemed slightly reluctant for some reason when I called her over. Normally Alex hardly hesitated when making a decision. It was either a brass no or yes with her. One of the reasons our no-strings relationship worked out perfectly. But there was a short silence on the line when I called before she agreed cutting the line immediately. It didn't really seem like anything, but I had come to understand the mysterious dark haired beauty as much as I could.

I moved my lips to her breasts sucking as hard as I could on the surface while Alex made no sounds apart from the brief gasps when pleasure shot through her.

"Why don't you ever moan?" I asked her moving my lips to her earlobe. It still confused me how she never made any sounds during sex, even when I knew she was enjoying the hell out of it.

She ran her hands through my hair "Shut up and fuck me."


"Why do you cheat on your girlfriend?" Alex asked cutting our moment of post-coital silence. She drew small circles in my chest with her black and white manicured nails, staring intensely at the side of my head waiting for an answer.

I sighed "She wants to wait till marriage."

"That's not a good enough reason." She stated surprising me. I raised an eyebrow "Well I guess I'm an asshole then."

"Why are you an asshole then?" She questioned further sitting up and not even bothering to cover she chest with the sheets.

I shrugged "Because I don't know how to be anything else."

Alex nodded slowly getting off the bed and picking up her underwear "Heard about your little fainting scene at school today from one of your maids. Are you ok?"

"Yeah just some stress getting to me." I said sticking to the general lie I picked as I made a mental note to yell at all of them to mind their business around guests. She wore her black tank top and leggings "Thanks, anyways."

She let a laugh surprising me "Really? You're thanking me? Way to make me feel less like a hooker."

I shrugged again not really knowing what else to say "It was great sex and I feel obliged to thank you for that."

Lemonade (Formerly The Wanted Ones) [bxb](On Hold)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant