17. spring breakers pt.2

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Eyes blinking tiredly, Harvey managed to wake up a thirty minutes before the plane landed. He was vaguely able to make out the voice of the pilot assuring them that the weather in Monte Carlo was lovely and that they would land with minimal difficulty. His mouth felt dry. His head was lightly buzzed.

Feeling around the complimentary pack provided by the airline, he picked out the travel-sized toothbrush and toothpaste before stumbling into the bathroom to freshen up. In the cramped airplane bathroom he brushed his teeth and washed his face to remove any traces of slobber and sweat. The water was invigorating.

He felt relieved.

Harvey managed to make it back into his seat just as their descent began and warnings for electronics and seatbelts started blinking. He made a mental checklist to ensure he had everything needed for their arrival.

"Welcome to Monte Carlo, Monaco. We trust that you've had a comfortable flight and hope that your stay is comfortable. Thank you for choosing American Airways." He waited for most of the first class passengers to come off before he came out of his cabin. Harvey didn't want to bump into Oliver or Elena; a little childish but his self-preservation was at stake. Oliver would surely ignore him and he didn't need that pinprick to the heart. Elena might not start anything but there was no telling with her.

She's become strangely unpredictably nowadays.

"Have a wonderful stay sir." The flight attendant by the door greeted with a smile that oozed professionalism.

Harvey smiled back at her, saying nothing.

"I'm so tired." Kale complained behind him after they had disembarked. Everyone one else copied his tired demeanor as they went through Customs & Immigration together. Harvey mistakenly let his eyes fall on Oliver who looked more out of it than the rest considering it must have been his first time on such a long flight.

An unconscious smile crept up at the realization.

"Sorry." Harvey answered unsympathetically fishing out his passport and details for the officers to check.

The man in a blue shirt and sour expression went through his passport and documents before giving him a bland statement in his somewhat French accent "Enjoy your stay in the municipality."

"Thank you." Harvey's tone was just as enthusiastic. He went to the conveyor belt where Jake was already waiting to pick up their luggage. He didn't look as tired as everyone else but his eyes were red meaning that he didn't sleep well and he'd pack his hair into a ponytail which non-verbally meant that he didn't want to deal with.

"Hey." Harvey called out.

Jake turned, his expression cooling down to relief when he saw that it was his friend "Hey. That was a fucking long flight."

"I'll say. Feel pretty good though." Harvey stretched out his body to loosen the kinks that came with an eight hour flight.

Jake watched his actions "Do you have.......something to lighten up the mood?"

It took a while for Harvey to understand exactly what he meant. Of course Jake knew him well enough to assume to he had stashed some alcohol to ease the vertigo. "Really? It's like 8 am in the morning."

Jake's lips twitched "So? I'm still on American time."

Harvey couldn't help but smile "So that's your excuse?"

"Shut up and hand it over before I direct those Customs guys that someone illegally snuck some brown water in." Jake answered with a far too sweet smile for his tastes. Harvey shook his head fondly and tossed Jake the little plastic bottle from his pocket. Jake caught it swiftly and began to chug it down to his heart's content.

Lemonade (Formerly The Wanted Ones) [bxb](On Hold)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat