8. we have escaped our capture

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Song - True Colors - Zedd

Pic of Liam as Felix Bujo. Spoilers ahead my lovelies!

"I was talking to Patricia DuBois the other day." Harvey's mother said as they had settled together during dinner. His father had arrived a few hours earlier.

"Hmm." His father hummed taking a bite of his risotto. "And what would that have to do with anything?"

Mrs. Lincoln narrowed her eyes slightly "She said she heard that Horton Tanner is hosting a private party, for his wife I think. It's funny how no one knows about the woman or any member of his immediate family."

"He's a very private man." Harveys father concluded disinterested.

"Probably because she didn't exist until a little while ago." Harvey thought to himself stuffing his mouth full of food so that he wouldn't need to add anything to the conversation.

His mother played with her fork across the plate "I was hoping that he would send us an invite."

His father raised an eyebrow "I would wonder why you want in on an affair that is obviously private."

"May I be excused?" Harvey asked getting up from the table. He wanted to avoid any further conversations containing Oliver and his family for the mean time.

"Alright." His mother quickly dismissed but his father stared at him curiously. "Not hungry son?"

He shrugged "Not anymore."

"Ok then." His father replied letting Harvey walk out of their lavishly designed dinning room. He got a call almost immediately on his way to his bedroom.

He picked up his phone "Hello?"

"It's me."

"Alex? What a nice surprise. I'd normally never pass a chance to get on your sweet ass, but tonight might be a little late for me." He teased going into his room and closing the door.

"Haha. You're good but my reason for calling is a bit more platonic." She said in her slight Dutch accent. "I need a date."

"Huh." Harvey said surprised. "For what?"

"A party." Alex replied. "I need a date to enter and you're a pretty good accessory."

He scoffed "And I'm the only pretty boy you've been with? I'm sure you'll find plenty of other guys to go with."

"Come on do this one thing for me. I just need you to be my pretty little arm candy for tonight only." Alex pleaded, but in her usual fashion didn't sound desperate.

"Look, it's a pretty fancy event and you'd be a nice fit." She said completely ignoring Harveys comment. "I really need you to do me this one favor."

He sighed "When exactly is it?"

"Tommorow night. I'll send you the address so you can meet me up instead of picking me up. Thanks." Alex hung up without waiting for another reply. Harvey eyed his phone is slight annoyance, because then he had absolutely no choice but to comply with her wishes.

His phone showed the notification for a new voice message. It was from Elena. Working on autopilot, he decided to play it.

"Harvey you son of a bitch." She did get that part right. "How could you do this to me? After every-"

He stopped it right there and deleted the message without listening any further. He didn't need her childish anger aimed at him right now. In fact he had started to regret using her all those years ago to make himself feel normal, to fully tighten his already airtight plastic life.

Lemonade (Formerly The Wanted Ones) [bxb](On Hold)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin